Marketing Management in Small and Medium-Sized Business

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.E.037
Credits: 5.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Ihor Kulyniak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of current legislation, ethical considerations and social responsibility; 2. Be able to communicate in professional and scientific circles in the state and foreign languages; 3. Demonstrate leadership skills and ability to work in a team, interact with people, influence their behavior to solve professional problems; 4. Be able to delegate authority and management of the organization (unit); 5. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to management of organizations and administration (by type of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of management of organizations, management decision-making process, leadership and leadership styles, conflict resolution in the process solving problems of professional activity; 6. Adopt sound strategic marketing decisions, combine various economic and mathematical methods and models of planning, organizing and evaluating the effectiveness of economic activities of enterprises and organizations; 7. Adopt sound strategic marketing decisions, combine various economic and mathematical methods and models of planning, organizing and evaluating the effectiveness of economic activities of enterprises and organizations; 8. Ability to effectively form a communication strategy.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Strategic management, Business economics co-requisites: E-commerce
Summary of the subject: The essence and peculiarities of marketing management in small and medium-sized business. Methodology of marketing management in small and medium-sized business. Analytic function of marketing management in small and medium-sized business. Market segmentation and positioning of products. Marketing planning of small and medium-sized enterprises. Organizing of marketing management in small and medium-sized business. Marketing control of small and medium-sized enterprises. Product range management in the system of marketing management. The pricing in the system of marketing management. Sales management of small and medium-sized enterprises. Marketing communications management of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports of laboratory works, oral quiz (40%) • final examination: written form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Белявцева М.І., Воробйова В.Н. Маркетинговий менеджмент: Навчальний посібник. К.: ЦНЛ, 2016. 407с. 2. Бондаренко В.М., Поліщук І.І., Шарко В.В. Маркетинговий менеджмент: Навчальний посібник. Вінниця: Видавничо-редакційний відділ ВТЕІ КНТЕУ, 2016. 224 с. 3. Карий О.І., Лісовська Л.С., Кулиняк І.Я., Галаз Л.В., Бондаренко Ю.Г. Менеджмент та інновації: теорія і практикум: Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7», 2020. 298 с. 4. Крикавський Є.В., Дейнега І.О., Дейнега О.В., Лорві І.Ф. Маркетинговий менеджмент: Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. 380 с. 5. Мошек Г.Є., Ковальчук М.М., Поканєвич Ю.В. та ін. Менеджмент: Навчальний посібник / [за заг. редакція Г.Є. Мошека. К. : Ліра-К, 2015. 550 с. 6. Осовська Г.В., Осовський О.А. Менеджмент : підручник. К.: Кондор-Видавництво, 2015. 563 с.

Marketing Management in Small and Medium-Sized Business (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.E.040
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Ihor Kulyniak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. To have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of applicable law, ethical considerations and social responsibility. 2. To use specialized software and information systems to solve management problems of the organization. 3. To provide personal professional development and planning of own time. 4. To demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to management of organizations and administration (by type of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of management of organizations, management decision-making process, leadership and leadership styles, conflict resolution in the process solving problems of professional activity. 5. To develop strategic, tactical and operational plans for current activities, plans for providing resources of all kinds, business plans and monitor their implementation. 6. To work in the e-commerce environment and form e-commerce supply chains.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Strategic management, Business economics co-requisites: E-commerce
Summary of the subject: The essence and features of small and medium enterprises marketing management. Methodology of small and medium enterprises marketing management. Analytical function of marketing management. Market segmentation and product positioning. Marketing planning of small and medium enterprises. Organization of small and medium enterprises marketing management. Marketing control of small and medium enterprises. Product range management in the marketing management system. Pricing in the marketing management system. Sales management of small and medium enterprises. Management of small and medium business enterprises marketing communications.
Assessment methods and criteria: Course project (100 p.)
Recommended books: 1. Chukhray N., Bespaliuk K. (2019), Studing the Values of Professions for the Millennials as Subject of the Labor Market [w:] Zarzadzanie kapitalem ludzkim w uczelniach, Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Lodz, ss. 163-179. 2. Барнет Білл, Еванз Дейв Дизайн-мислення: Спроектуй своє життя / пер. з англ. Валерія Глінка. 2-ге вид. К.: Наш формат, 2019. 224 с. 3. Карий О.І., Лісовська Л.С., Кулиняк І.Я., Галаз Л.В., Бондаренко Ю.Г. Менеджмент та інновації: теорія і практикум: Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7», 2020. 298 с. 4. Крикавський Є.В., Дейнега І.О., Дейнега О.В., Лорві І.Ф. Маркетинговий менеджмент: Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. 380 с. 5. Марк М., Пирсон К. Герой и бунтарь. Создание бренда с помощью архетипов / Пер. с англ. под ред. В. Домнина, А. Сухенко. СПб.: Питер, 2005. 336 с. 6. Якимова Н.С. Економічні індикатори трансформації поведінкових моделей суб’єктів ринку праці. Науковий журнал «Підприємництво та інновації», 2019. Випуск 10. С. 148-153.