Enterprise HR Strategy

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.E.046
Credits: 4.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Strutynska L.R
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students are expected to acquire following knowledges: - the heoretical and practical approaches to strategic HR-management. Students are expected to acquire following skills: - to use the tools of strategic management and marketing in HR management.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Principles of Management; Strategic management; HR.
Summary of the subject: Methodology of strategic human resource management. Essence and types of human resource strategies. The strategic role of human resource services. Relationship between development strategy and strategy of human resource management. Strategic analysis of Human Resource Management. Analysis of strategic opportunities of leadership, team and organization. The process of strategic management of human resources. Organizational strategy of human resource management. Functional strategies of human resource management. Evaluation of the effectiveness of strategic human resource management.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (30%), individual written practical exercises, oral interviews. Final control (70% test), testing (theoretical questions, oral component).
Recommended books: 1. Левицкий М. А. Интеграция процессов управления рисками и реализации стратегии // Das Management. — 2011. — № 1. — С. 29—31. 2. Хміль Ф. І. Управління персоналом : підруч. для студ. вищих навч. закл. / Ф. І. Хміль. — К.: Академвидав, 2006. — 488с.

Enterprise HR Strategy (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.E.050
Credits: 3.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Strutynska I.R.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students are expected to acquire following knowledges: - to know the instruments of strategic management and marketing; factors that influence on efficiency of realization of HR- of strategy; types of skilled politics; types of skilled strategies of enterprise; design of skilled strategy times; Students are expected to acquire following skills: - to use the instruments of the strategic marketing in the field of a management a personnel; - to analyse strengths and weaknesses of the skilled component system of management; - to elect skilled strategy; - to estimate efficiency of the realized skilled strategy.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Bachelor Thesis Defence, HR. Corrections: Qualification Examination, Defence of Master Thesis.
Summary of the subject: Strategic development of personnel. Design and realization of skilled strategy times.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester control is conducted in form defence of course project (100%).
Recommended books: 1. Виноградський М.Д., Виноградська А.М., Шканова О.М. Управління персонало. 2-ге вид.: навч. посібник. - К.: ЦУЛ, 2009. – 502с. 2. Хміль Ф.І. Практикум з менеджменту організацій: Навч. посібник. – Львів: “Магнолія плюс”, 2004. – 333с. 3. Хміль Ф.І. Управління персоналом: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. – К.: Академвидав, 2006. – 488с. 4. Балабанова Л.В., Сардак О.В. Управління персоналом. Підручник.– К.: ЦУЛ, 2011. – 468 с.