Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.M.015
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Nataliya V. Chornopyska, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know: concepts, categories, research methodology; theoretical and empirical research methods; stages and forms of scientific investigation process; organization of scientific research of masters; • to be able to: research management systems and processes to carry out; modern methods and techniques of research in applied; create questionnaires; use of automated data processing systems in research; produce reports on scientific research.
Required prior and related subjects: • Prerequisites: Philosophy, • Co-requisites: Logistics Consulting
Summary of the subject: Methodology: the nature, content and concept. The specificity of the scientific knowledge. The main stages of the process and forms of scientific investigation. Levels and methods of scientific research. Organization of scientific research of masters. Making research results and their implementation in practice.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control (70 %): review of case studies, work during practical classes, oral questioning; • final control (30%): tests
Recommended books: ? Пілюшенко В.Л., Шкрабак І.В., Словенко Е.І. Наукове дослідження: організація, методологія, інформаційне забезпечення: Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Лібра, 2004.- 344 с. Білуха М.Т. Основи наукових досліджень: Підручник. – К.: Вища школа, 2002. – 271 с. ? Економічні дослідження (методологія, інструментарій, організація, апробація): навч.посіб. за ред.. д.е.н., проф.., акад.. НАПН України А.А. Мазаракі. – К. : КНЕУ, 2010. ? Лудченко А.А., Лудченко Я.А., Примак Т.А. Основы научных исследований: Учеб пособие / Под ред. А.А. Лудченко. – К.: О-во «Знання», КОО, 2000. – 114 с.