Pedagogical Proficiency of Modern Instructor

Major: Vocational Education (by subject specialization)
Code of subject: 8.015.00.M.029
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Lyubov Vasylivna Dolnikova
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the educational discipline "Pedagogical mastery of a modern teacher", the student must be able to demonstrate program learning results that are correlated with the competencies of the educational and scientific program for the preparation of the Doctor of Philosophy and the specialty 015 Professional education (by specializations): Knowledge (ZH2): theoretical-methodological foundations and conceptual-categorical apparatus of professional pedagogy; the essence of the organization of the educational process; modern approaches to planning, organizing and carrying out educational, research and educational work with student youth; methodological requirements for the preparation and conducting of educational classes, their educational and methodological support; continuous professional development and pedagogical skills of a scientific and pedagogical worker. Skills (UM1): apply specialized knowledge, strategies and technologies to solve current problems in the field of professional education, science and innovation based on the expansion and reassessment of already existing knowledge and professional practice and their presentation in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Communication (KOM1): free communication on issues related to the field of scientific and expert knowledge with colleagues, the wider scientific community, society as a whole; in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Autonomy and responsibility (AiB1): demonstration of significant authority, innovativeness, a high degree of independence, academic and professional integrity, constant commitment to the development of new ideas or processes in advanced contexts of professional and scientific activity. Autonomy and responsibility (AiB2): self-development and self-improvement throughout life
Required prior and related subjects: Professional pedagogy Pedagogical practice Actual problems of professional education Academic integrity and quality of education
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline "Pedagogical skill of a modern teacher" involves solving a number of tasks related to the understanding and awareness of pedagogical skill as a complex of teacher's properties, which includes humanistic orientation, pedagogical competence, pedagogical abilities and pedagogical technique. The issues of mastering the theoretical-methodological and methodical basis of pedagogical mastery are considered; the formation of the teacher's personality, as a representative of the great and at the same time difficult work, which includes both scientific and artistic activity and who possesses the main tool of influence on the pupil - his soul, his professionalism, his kindness. In the process of studying the discipline, issues of the foundations of the formation of the external and internal technique of the teacher, issues of pedagogical culture, pedagogical tact during the pedagogical interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process, approaches to the formation of oratorical skills and non-verbal communication of the teacher (rhetorical skills and abilities, peculiarities of preparation for public speaking) are considered ; means of increasing the efficiency of interaction with listeners and establishing feedback in communication; speech means in establishing feedback; features of visual scanning; techniques and rules of active listening; non-verbal means of communication and their classification; interpersonal space in communication, plastic technique, emotional coloring of plasticity, postures, mime technique, sign language. appearance of the teacher (restraint, neatness, aesthetic expressiveness). Questions about pedagogical conflict, typology of pedagogical conflicts, their causes and ways of solving them, anatomy, structure are studied ra, dynamics of pedagogical conflicts; peculiarities of the organization of scientific and pedagogical activities and the need of each teacher to organize and conduct educational activities at the level of artistic performance, studying the experience of advanced Ukrainian and foreign teachers.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control of practical classes is carried out in order to identify the readiness for classes of a higher education applicant of the third educational and scientific level of the doctor of philosophy in the following forms: ? selective oral survey at the beginning of the lesson; ? frontal standardized survey on cards, tests for 5–10 minutes; ? individual verification of practical works; ? assessment of the higher education student's activity during classes, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. Control questions are divided into: ? test tasks - choose the correct answers; ? problem tasks – creation of problematic situations; ? questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; ? situational tasks – to determine the answer according to a certain situation; ? issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance; ? interactive quiz and game tasks. The final control is carried out based on the results of the current control and takes into account all types of current work.
Recommended books: . Бабіч Л.В. Основи педагогічної майстерності : навч. посіб./ Бабіч Л.В., Кондратенко Г.М. – Херсон : Айлант. – 2012. – 81с. 2. Бєсєдіна, Л.М., Сторубльов, О.І. Педагогічна майстерність, активні методи навчання та методична робота у навчальних закладах: методичний посібник; 2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. К.: Логос, 2019, 204 с. 3. Брюховецька О.В. Педагогічна майстерність викладача вищої школи: Навч.-метод. комплекс. - К. : АПН України, Ун-т менедж. освіти, 2020. - 56 с 4. Бутенко Н.Ю. Комунікативні процеси в навчанні: Підручник. - К.: КНЕУ, 2004. - 383с. 5. Зязюн, І.А., Крамушенко, Л.В., .Кривонос, І.Ф. Педагогічна майстерність: підручник для вищих педагог. навч. закладів2-е вид., доп і перероб. К.: Вища шк.,2008. 376 с. 6. Кособуцька Г.П. Основи педагогічної майстерності [Текст] : навч-метод. посіб. / Г.П. Кособуцька. – Рівне : [РДГУ], 2017. – 399с. 7. Кучерявець В.Г. Основи педагогічної майстерності : практикум / В.Г. Кучерявець – Ніжин : Редакційно-видавничий відділ НДПУ ім. М.Гоголя, 2002. – 55с. 8. Ораторське мистецтво : навч. посіб. для студентів вищ. навч. закл. юрид. спец. / Н.П. Осипова, В.Д. Водін, Г.П.Клімова [та ін.] ; за ред. Н.П.Осипової. – Х. :идіссей, 2017. – 144с.