Fundamentals of Management Consulting

Major: Management of Economic Competition Sphere
Code of subject: 7.281.02.O.004
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Professor Poplavska Zh.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1.Understand the essence of the concept of "management consulting" and distinguish its types 2. Know the state of the Ukrainian consulting services market 3. Understand the difficulties in the work of consultants 4. Be able to solve problems of managerial nature
Required prior and related subjects: Public administration strategic analysis in the field of competition, international competition, competition strategies, administrative management
Summary of the subject: Consulting and consulting market. The evolution of counseling. Management consulting as a business. Marketing consulting services. Organization and management of consulting firms. Personnel policy of consulting firms. Financial planning in a consulting firm. Organization of control and reporting of consulting firms
Assessment methods and criteria: Оral questioning, individual research assignment, assessment for oral responses to practical classes, preparation of analytical reports, defense of abstracts
Recommended books: 1.В.А.Верба, Т.І.Решетняк. Організація консалтингової діяльності. – К.:КНЕУ,2000 2 Коростельов В.А. Управлінське консультування: Навч. Посіб. — К.: МАУП. 2003, 3 Юксвярав Р., Хабакук М., Лейманн Я. Управленческое консультирование: теория и практика. — М., 1989 4.Прокопенко И. Управленческое консультирование как услуга. — Проблемы теории управления. — М., 1988 . Блинов А.О., Бутырин Г.Н., Добренькова Е.В. Управленческий консалтинг корпоративных организаций:учебник. — М, 2002, с.9 6. Консалтинг в Украине. — Киев: Ассоциация "Укрконсалтинг", 1996. 7. Journal of Management Consulting, May 1996, P.53 8. F. Steele. Consulting for organizational. Amherst, MA, University of Massachusetts, 1975