Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Industrial and Civil Construction
Code of subject: 7.192.01.O.027
Credits: 4.50
Department: Building Constructions and Bridges
Lecturer: members SEC
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • systematization, consolidation and expansion of acquired theoretical and practical knowledge; • application of the acquired knowledge to solve scientific and technical, production, economic and environmental problems; • formation of skills of independent design work; • solving real problems of the enterprise, city, region. PR01.Apply the basic theories, methods and principles of mathematical and natural sciences in the field of professional activity. PR03. Demonstrate skills of oral and written communication in state and foreign languages, using the skills of interpersonal interaction, working in an international context with specialists and non-specialists in the field, using modern means of communication. PR09. Create or apply spatial planning solutions for further design, including the use of information technology. PR11. To determine and evaluate the load and stress-strain state of soil foundations and load-bearing structures of buildings (structures), including with the use of modern information technologies. PR12. To develop constructive decisions of the object of construction on the basis of knowledge of the nomenclature and constructive forms, ability to calculate and construct building constructions and knots of their connection. PR15. Perform and analyze economic calculations of the cost of construction projects. PR17. Organize and manage construction processes in the construction of construction and operation, repair and reconstruction, taking into account the requirements of labor protection. PR18. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of designing urban areas and infrastructure and urban facilities. PR19. Ensure reliable and safe operation of building structures of buildings, structures and utilities.
Required prior and related subjects: practice on the topic of the master's thesis
Summary of the subject: The defense of the master's qualification work (MQW) is held at an open meeting of the examination commission (EC) with the participation of at least half of its members. The MQW defense consists of a report lasting up to 15 minutes, answers to questions from EC members and all present, reading the feedback of the supervisor and the reviewer, answers to the reviewer's comments. The duration of protection of one work, as a rule, should not exceed 30 minutes. The results of BCR protection are evaluated on a scale: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". The decision of the EC on the assessment of knowledge acquired during the defense, as well as on assigning a student an educational qualification level and issuing a diploma is made at a closed meeting of the EC by open majority voting of the commission members who participated in its meeting. The results of the defense are announced after the EC meeting. Students who have defended the MQW, the decision of the EC is awarded the educational qualification level of master and issued a diploma of the established model.
Assessment methods and criteria: • final control: defense of master's qualification work at an open meeting of the examination commission (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Положення про організацію навчального процесу у вищих навчальних закладах // Затверджене наказом Міністерства освіти України № 161 від 02.06.1993 р. 2. Закон України “Про освіту” в редакції від 23 березня 1996 р. 3. Положення про освітньо-кваліфікаційні рівні (ступеневу освіту) // Затверджене постановою Кабінету Міністрів України № 65 від 20.01.1998 р. 4. Положення про навчання магістрів Львівської політехніки на основі базової вищої освіти та кваліфікації бакалавра // Ухвалене Вченою радою Львівської політехніки від 5 липня 2000 р., протокол № 31. 5. Положення про атестацію здобувачів вищої освіти та роботу екзаменаційної комісії Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” / В.А. Павлиш, О.Р. Давидчак, А.Г. Загородній, О.Ю. Лозинський, Л.М. Пилипенко, В.М. Свиридов, Д.В. Федасюк. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – 36 с.