Management Workflow Technology

Major: Information, Library and Archival Science
Code of subject: 7.029.01.O.005
Credits: 5.00
Department: Social Communication and Information Activities
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Nataliia Vovk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know: - Apply laws and regulations governing the functioning of the information sphere. - Apply legislation governing copyright management in the information field. be able to: - Develop models of the subject area, apply the principles of designing automated databases, semantic web, web services and social media in information activities. - Apply technologies to create and support the functioning of electronic libraries and archives, study and meet the information needs of users - Use knowledge and skills in data collection, modeling of document and information systems and their resources in the analysis of the competitiveness of the institution. - Use application software to solve managerial and / or scientific problems based on a combination of human intellectual abilities with the functionality of information systems.
Required prior and related subjects: Technologies of management`s documents (Coursework)
Summary of the subject: Modeling of the management document management system: organization as an object of electronic document management implementation; information model of organization of document flows in the management system; diagnostics of the management documentation system; designing a management documentation system; types of electronic document management systems; criteria for evaluating the electronic document management system; stages of document automation; stages of transition to electronic document management in organizations. Organization of electronic office: legislative regulation of documentation of management information in electronic form; electronic office; electronic document: requirements and functions; electronic digital signature; documentation of management information in electronic form; systematization and storage of documents in electronic record keeping; electronic archive as a component of the electronic document management system. Integrated use of electronic document processing tools: history of cloud technologies; the essence of cloud technologies; characteristics of cloud technologies; cloud types; classification of technologies. Modern cloud systems for professional activities: current state of cloud services; main directions of using cloud services in professional activity; cloud services as a replacement for office applications. Information protection in ACS: general characteristics of confidential office work; basic models of information security theory in ACS; cryptographic methods of information protection in ACS; public key encryption systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work, oral questioning, examination (40%); • final control (control measure): written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Вовк Н.С., Голощук Р.О. (2019). Ділова документація. Л.: Видавництво Львівської політехніки. 200 с. 2. Кандзюба С.П., Матвійчук Р.М., Сидорович Я.М., Мусієнко П.М. (2017). Частина 9: Електронний документообіг. Реінжиніринг адміністративних процесів в органах публічної влади. К.: ФОП Москаленко О. М.. С. 64. 3. Куцик П.О. (2019). Розвиток хмарних технологій та їх місце в організації обліку та корпоративного документообігу. Розвиток системи обліку, аналізу та аудиту в Україні: теорія, методологія, організація: збірник тез доповідей учасників ХVII Всеукраїнської наукової конференції. К.: ДП «Інформ. – аналіт. агентство». С. 183 - 186. 4. Кузьменко Н.В. (2018). Сучасне діловодство в Україні. Практичні поради. Центр учбової літератури. с. 260. 5. Про електронний документообіг та електронні довірчі послуги: збірник законодавчих і нормативних актів. Паливода. 2019. с. 252. 6. Лушников В.В., Бондарев А.В.. 1С:ДОКУМЕНТООБОРОТ. 200 ВОПРОСОВ И ОТВЕТОВ". "1С-Паблишинг". С. 298. 7. Benjamin Chevallereau, Jeff Potts (2017). Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide. Packt Publishing; 2 edition. P. 528. 8. Eric van der Meulen (2018). Project Management PM Process Flow & Companion Documents bundle. Q'vive, LLC; 1st edition. P. 7. 9. Doron Meir (2018). Workflow: A Practical Guide to the Creative Process. CRC Press; 1 edition. P. 306.