Communication Management of Institution

Major: Information, Library and Archival Science
Code of subject: 7.029.01.E.032
Credits: 5.00
Department: Social Communication and Information Activities
Lecturer: К.філол.н., доцент Комова М.В.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: KN.1. Form strategies of system organization, modernization, increase of efficiency of management of information, library and archival activity. KN.2. Carry out the organization and management of information and analytical activities at enterprises and institutions. KN.3. Carry out procedures for analytical and synthetic processing of scientific and management information. KN.4. Possession methods of biblio- and webometric analysis of information flows and arrays. KN.6. Use applied socio-communication technologies to organize effective communication at the professional, scientific and social levels based on tolerance, dialogue and cooperation. KN.7. Apply legislative and regulatory documents governing the functioning of the information sphere. SK.1. Create and implement information products and services demanded by consumers. SK.2. Develop models of the subject area, apply the principles of designing automated databases, semantic web, web services and social media in information activities. SK.5. Use knowledge and skills in data collection, modeling of document and information systems and their resources in the analysis of the competitiveness of the institution. SK.7. Use methods of value examination, systematization, document accounting and formation of archival funds. COM.2. Ability to use a variety of methods, including information technology, to communicate effectively at the professional and social levels. A&R.1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make decisions. A&R.3. Ability to treat the work responsibly and achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Data and knowledge management technologies Document flow management technologies
Summary of the subject: The discipline provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to apply analytical tools of strategic management (SWOT-analysis), public relations technology (PR), human resource management (HR), reputation management of a company (SERM).
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (40%): oral questioning, answers at на лабораторних знаняттях, writing essays; - final control (60%): exam (three-level testing).
Recommended books: Комова М.В., Петрушка А.І., Бахур Ю.Б. Комунікаційний менеджмент установи : навч. посіб. / Нац. ун-т «Львів. політехніка». Кафедра соціал. комунікацій та інформ. діяльності. Львів, 2021. 168 с. Балабанова Л., Сардак О. Управління персоналом. Київ : Центр навч. л-ри, 2019. 468 с. Руденко О. М., Штурхецький С. В., Шершньова О. В., Філіпова Н. В. HR-менеджмент у публічному управлінні : навч. посібн. Київ : Кондор-Видавництво, 2016. 124 с. Що таке HR-стратегія та як її використовувати щоб бути хорошим ейчаром? URL: Эффективный рекрутер – не рекрутер вовсе, а Success Manager? URL:

Communication Management of Institution (курсова робота)

Major: Information, Library and Archival Science
Code of subject: 7.029.01.E.034
Credits: 2.00
Department: Social Communication and Information Activities
Lecturer: К.філол.н., доцент Комова М.В.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: KN.1. Form strategies of system organization, modernization, increase of efficiency of management of information, library and archival activity. KN.2. Carry out the organization and management of information and analytical activities at enterprises and institutions. KN.3. Carry out procedures for analytical and synthetic processing of scientific and management information. KN.4. Possession methods of biblio- and webometric analysis of information flows and arrays. KN.6. Use applied socio-communication technologies to organize effective communication at the professional, scientific and social levels based on tolerance, dialogue and cooperation. KN.7. Apply legislative and regulatory documents governing the functioning of the information sphere. SK.1. Create and implement information products and services demanded by consumers. SK.2. Develop models of the subject area, apply the principles of designing automated databases, semantic web, web services and social media in information activities. SK.5. Use knowledge and skills in data collection, modeling of document and information systems and their resources in the analysis of the competitiveness of the institution. SK.7. Use methods of value examination, systematization, document accounting and formation of archival funds. COM.2. Ability to use a variety of methods, including information technology, to communicate effectively at the professional and social levels. A&R.1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make decisions. A&R.3. Ability to treat the work responsibly and achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Data and knowledge management technologies Document flow management technologies
Summary of the subject: Data and knowledge management technologies Document flow management technologies
Assessment methods and criteria: - final control (100%): test.
Recommended books: Комова М.В., Петрушка А.І., Бахур Ю.Б. Комунікаційний менеджмент установи : навч. посіб. / Нац. ун-т «Львів. політехніка». Кафедра соціал. комунікацій та інформ. діяльності. Львів, 2021. 168 с. Балабанова Л., Сардак О. Управління персоналом. Київ : Центр навч. л-ри, 2019. 468 с. Руденко О. М., Штурхецький С. В., Шершньова О. В., Філіпова Н. В. HR-менеджмент у публічному управлінні : навч. посібн. Київ : Кондор-Видавництво, 2016. 124 с. Що таке HR-стратегія та як її використовувати щоб бути хорошим ейчаром? URL: Эффективный рекрутер – не рекрутер вовсе, а Success Manager? URL: