Methods of Modern Control Theory

Major: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 7.151.00.O.2
Credits: 4.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Krykh Hanna, assistant professor, candidate of technical sciences
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - acquisition of the methods of synthesis of control systems for an object with delay; - acquisition of the methods of synthesis of control systems under conditions of regular and random disturbances; - ability to build control systems for multidimensional objects with cross-links; - ability to build multi-circuit control systems; - ability to synthesize modal control systems using the method of state space; - know the criteria and tasks of the synthesis of robust control systems; - ability to use specialized MATLAB toolboxes for modeling and research of control systems.
Required prior and related subjects: 1.Intelligent controls systems 2. Modeling and optimization of control systems 3. Integration technologies in automated control systems
Summary of the subject: Classification of control systems. Problems of structural and parametric optimization of control systems. Methods of synthesis of control systems by control objects with delay, methods of synthesis of control systems in the conditions of regular and random disturbances. Synthesis of control systems of multidimensional objects with cross-links. Synthesis of systems modal control using the method of state space. Criteria of robust stability of control systems, problems of synthesis of robust control systems. During laboratory classes, students acquire skills to apply theoretical knowledge to solve problems of building and researching control systems using modern application software and the ability to analyze the results.
Assessment methods and criteria: - written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30 %) - final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70 %)
Recommended books: 1. Methods of modern control theory: Textbook / А.P. Ladanyuk, N.M. Lutska, V.D. Kyshenko, L.О. Vlasenko, V.V. Ivashchuk. - K., Lira-K Publishing House, 2019. - 368 p. 2. Denisenko V.V. Computer control of technological process, experiment, equipment. - M .: Hotline - Telecom, 2008. - 608 p. 3. Modern control theory. Part 2. Applied aspects of modern control theory: Textbook / Yu. M. Kovrigo, O.V. Stepanets, T.G. Bagan , O. S. Bunke. - Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorsky, 2017. - 155 p. 4. Bessekersky V.A., Popov U.P. Theory of automatic control systems. - SPb: Professiya, 2003. - 752 p. 5. Modern control systems. Ninth edition / Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop. – New Jercey, Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, 2001.