Industry 4.0 Technology

Major: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 7.151.00.M.26
Credits: 5.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: assistant, Ph.D. Masnyak O.Ya.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Apply intelligent control methods to create effective automation systems based on the use of databases, knowledge bases and artificial intelligence methods; be able to develop computer-integrated production management systems using the technologies of Industry 4.0; to analyze production and technical systems in various industries as objects of automation and determine the strategy of their automation; be able to design hardware and software of computer-integrated control systems in production in compliance with international, state and industry standards, using modern technologies; be able to apply methods of analysis, synthesis and optimization of automation systems, production management, product life cycle and its quality in research.
Required prior and related subjects: Integration technologies in automated control systems. Microprocessor automation software. Supervisory data management and collection systems.
Summary of the subject: 1. The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0: review of the fourth industrial revolution, assessment of the dynamics of Industry 4.0, the interaction of human values ??and technology, empowerment of all stakeholders. 2. Technology: the general picture. 3. Digital technologies and their expansion: new computing technologies, blockchain and distributed registry technologies, the Internet of Things. 4. Formatting the physical world: artificial intelligence, robotics, breakthrough materials, additive manufacturing and multidimensional printing. 5. Impact on humans: biotechnology, neurotechnology, virtual and augmented reality. 6. Environmental impact: geoengineering, energy production / storage / transfer, space technology.
Assessment methods and criteria: - control work (20%) - written component of test work (40%) - oral component of test work (40%)
Recommended books: 1. Schwab K. The fourth industrial revolution. Forming the fourth industrial revolution - KK "Club of family permits", 2019; 2. John Soldatos, Oscar Lazaro, Franco Cavadini The Digital Shopfloor - Industrial Automation in the Industry 4.0 Era: Performance Analysis and Applications - River Publishers, 2019; 3. Malik Luti Smart Citizens in Smart Cities: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) - Lutiya LLC, 2021; 4. Antonio Sartal, Diego Carou, J. Paulo Davim Enabling Technologies for the Successful Deployment of Industry 4.0 (Manufacturing Design and Technology). 1st edition - CRC Press, 2020.