Design of Computer-Integrated Control Systems for Chemical and Food Production

Major: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 7.151.01.E.36
Credits: 5.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Nykolyn Hryhoriy Andriyovych, Senior Lecturer
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of study of educational discipline a student must be able to show such results of studies : To know maintenance and sequence of planning of computer-integrated control system, procedure of construction of functional and structural diagrams of computer-integrated control system, that represent, : - functioning of КІСУ as distributed system of management; - hardware representation of КІСУ in the context of industrial and computer networks; are connecting charts and territorial placing of equipment in points management, plant apartments et cetera with the aim of the eventual editing; it is functioning of the system in the context of programmatic co-operation; The table of contents and sequence of procedures of planning of fundamental charts show that it is graphic presentation of chart of informative streams; - general flow diagram of management; are charts of connections of devices of computer and industrial networks; are charts of network informative streams; - plan of placing of network communications and network
Required prior and related subjects: Engineering graphic arts are Automation of technological processes of chemical and food productions Bases of automation and automation are Microprocessor and programmatic facilities of automation A microprocessor technique is the Technological objects and processes of chemical and food productions Executive mechanisms and regulative organs the Technological measuring and devices in chemical and food productions
Summary of the subject: Integration technologies are in computer-integrated control system and rule of their use. . Bases of open technologies. . Table of contents and sequence of procedures investigational technologies and organizational structure of enterprises with the aim of introduction of КІСУ during modernisation of operating productions. . CASS. Life cycle of the systems concordantly ISO/IEC 15288: 2005. Development of documentation is on the stages of creation of CASS . Functional integration. Development of functional structure. . Description of functions that is automatized System of authentication. Development and description of the informative providing. Tasks and elements of chart of informative structure. Arrays of data.Informative streams. A construction of chart of informative structure is for the networks of Modbus Serial. A construction of chart of informative structure is for the networks of Ethernet. A construction of chart of informative structure is for CANOpen. Construction of chart of informative structure for Profibus.
Assessment methods and criteria: - written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30%); - design and drawing work (40%); - final control (control measure - credit): written and oral form (30%).
Recommended books: 1) Нестеров А.Л. Проектирование АСУТП: Методическое пособие, Книга 1. –СПб.: ДЕАН, 2010. – 552 c. 2) Нестеров А.Л. Проектирование АСУТП: Методическое пособие, Книга 2. –СПб.: ДЕАН, 2009. – 944 c. 3) Трегуб В.Г. Проектування систем автоматизації: Курс лекцій / В.Г. Трегуб. –К.: НУХТ, 2007. 4) Пупена О.М. Промислові мережі та інтеграційні технології в автоматизованих системах: Навчальний посібник./ О.М. Пупена, І.В.Ельперін, Н.М.Луцька, А.П.Ладанюк – К.: Вид-во "Ліра-К", 2011. – 552 с.