Scientific Researches and Seminars on the Theme of Research, Part 1

Major: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 7.151.00.O.28
Credits: 6.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Fedynets Vasily
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - to know theoretical bases and methodology of scientific researches; - be able to choose the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods based on the tasks of specific research - be able to use modern mathematical apparatus during research; - be able to submit and implement the results of completed studies;
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerekvizyty: - automatic control theory, process measurement and instrumentation engineering facilities and production processes, automation of technological processes and productions.
Summary of the subject: Theoretical foundations of scientific research. Setting the theme, problems, goals and objectives of scientific research. Research methodology. Research methodology in technical tasks. General scheme of scientific research. Research methods of technological objects (empirical, theoretical, experimental and expert). Choice of scientific research method. Planning for research. Minimize the number of studies.
Assessment methods and criteria: -Final control (100% control measure, test); oral form (100%). - Current control (70%): individual research assignment, oral examination; - Final control (100%, control measure credit); oral form (30%).
Recommended books: 1. Filipenko AS Fundamentals of Scientific Research / S.F. Filipenko - Kyiv: Academic Publishers, 2005. - 208 p. 2. Romanchikov VI Fundamentals of Scientific Research / V.I. Romanchikov - Kyiv, Publisher: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 254 p. 3. Martsin VS Fundamentals of Scientific Research: Educ. manual / V.S. Martsin, N.G. Mitsenko, OA Danilenko and others. - Lviv: Romus-Polygraph, 2002. - 128 p. 4. Organization of Science and Research in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Info Press. - Access mode: and methods of learning: lectures, practical classes, independent work.