Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Food Production

Major: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 7.151.01.E.37
Credits: 3.00
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: Roman Mnykh
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Aacquisition by students of knowledge and skills for solving general engineering problems using classical and innovative approaches. Design and selection of technological scheme and equipment for the chemical and food industries for the implementation of mechanical, hydrodynamic, masstransfer and energy processes.
Required prior and related subjects: Thermodynamics and heat engineering Technological objects and production processes Automatization and optimization of chemical and food industry processes Design of computer-integrated control systems for chemical and food industries
Summary of the subject: The discipline considers the processes and apparatus of chemical and food production, as well as ways to intensify their work. Much attention is paid to special processes and equipment, and the principles of drawing up technological schemes of chemical and food production, the choice of the optimal mode. Modern technologies, equipment are considered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning, control work (30%). Final control (70%; writing-verbal form
Recommended books: 1. Процеси і апарати харчових виробництв: підручник / О. І. Черевко, А. М. Поперечний. ? 2-е видання, доп. та випр. ? Х.: Світ Книг, 2014. ? 495 с. 2. Процеси і апарати харчових виробництв: підручник / за ред. проф. І. Ф. Малежика. ? К.: НУХТ, 2003. ? 400 с. 3. Коваленко І.В. Малиновський Ю. Основні процеси, машини та апарати хімічних виробництв. Київ: - Воля, 2006. – 264 с. 4. Загальна хімічна технологія: Підручник. 3-е вид. / В.Т. Яворський, Т.В. Перекупко, З.О. Знак, Л.В. Савчук. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”, 2014. – 540 с.