Geodesy in Natural Resources Management

Major: Land Management and Cadastre
Code of subject: 7.193.03.O.001
Credits: 4.00
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D., associate professor Poliakovska Liudmyla Leonidivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To form in the future specialist the knowledge, abilities and skills provided for by the qualification characteristics of the master's degree in the specialty "geodesy and land management", in particular to reveal the geodetic support of projects for the use of the main types of natural resources: land, water, forest and mineral raw materials. To provide master's training, which would include the organization and conduct of engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological, engineering-hydrological, geotechnical investigations and investigations for the rational use and protection of the environment.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of higher education: General competencies: ZK2. The ability to learn to perceive the acquired knowledge in the field of geodesy, photogrammetry, land management, cartography and geoinformatics and integrate it with the existing ones. ZK9. Ability to apply knowledge in practice. Professional competencies of the specialty: FK1. Knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods necessary for understanding the principles of operation and functional purpose of modern geodetic, photogrammetric devices, satellite navigation systems and their equipment. FK3. Knowledge of technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation of geodetic, photogrammetric, satellite navigation equipment and equipment. FC9. The ability to understand and take into account social, ecological, ethical, economic aspects that influence the formation of technical solutions. ФК10. Здатність застосовувати професійно-профільовані знання й практичні навички для розв’язання типових задач спеціальності, а також вибору технічних засобів для їх виконання. FC11. The ability to use knowledge and skills to calculate an a priori assessment of accuracy and choose technologies for designing and performing applied professional tasks. FC13. Ability to investigate the problem and identify constraints, including those due to issues of sustainable development and environmental impact. Professional competencies of specialization: FCS1.2. Knowledge of the regulatory and legal framework of state cadastres and land management, assessment of land resources and real estate. FCS1.3. Knowledge of the regulatory and legal framework of state cadastres and land management, assessment of land resources and real estate. FCS2.2. Knowledge of the regulatory and legal framework of state cadastres and land management, assessment of land resources and real estate. FCS2.3. Knowledge and understanding of methods and means of using geodetic equipment when performing land management works..
Learning outcomes: ЗН1. The ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, data collection, modeling and analysis of the obtained results, to think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in geodesy and land management. ЗН3. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of the specialty. ЗН5. The ability to demonstrate knowledge of the current state of affairs and the latest technologies in the field of geodesy and land management. ЗН12. Understanding the impact of technical achievements in the social, economic, social and environmental aspects UM3. Integrate knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve professional problems using known methods. UM8. To combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop an activity strategy to solve the tasks of the specialty (specialization), taking into account universal human values, public, state and industrial interests. UM10. Identify, classify and describe robot technology in the industry. The ability to be purposeful and persistent, to learn throughout life, to be aware of social and moral responsibility for the received training and professional activity. COM5. The ability to be purposeful and persistent, to learn throughout life, to be aware of social and moral responsibility for the received training and professional activity. AiB3. Ability to realize the importance of acquired knowledge in order to acquire new professional skills, adapt to new situations and make decisions
Required prior and related subjects: Professional and civil safety. Method of technical regulation of land relations and investments.
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline "Geodesy in nature management" is aimed at the study of modern geodetic methods for obtaining spatial data of objects of natural resources (land, water, forest, mineral raw materials) with the aim of their preservation and rational use, taking into account the requirements of environmental ecology.
Опис: 1. Introduction. The subject and tasks of geodesy in nature management, composition and characteristics of natural resources (PR). Legislative and regulatory acts and environmental aspects of the use of PR. tasks 2. Geodetic support for the development of projects for the use of PR, creation of a plan and elevation geodetic base, methods of topographic surveys of PR objects, accuracy requirements. 3. Geodetic support for the use of land resources. Study of cadastral and natural characteristics of land resources. Study of economic and evaluation values. The use of unmanned aerial systems for the management of land resources. 4. Geodetic support for the use of water resources. Methods of determining the morphometric and hydrotechnical characteristics of water bodies. Bathymetric survey of water bodies: methods, software and technical means, results. 5. Geodetic support for the use of forest resources. Peculiarities of geodetic works for the use of forest resources. Compliance with ecological requirements in forest use. 6. Geodetic support for the use of mineral resources. Mapping and geodetic searches of territories of mineral resources. Geodetic works in quarries. 7. Geodetic support for drawing up projects of anti-erosion systems. Geodetic monitoring of erosion phenomena.
Assessment methods and criteria: Evaluation methods: current control over the performance of laboratory works and their protection; testing in a virtual learning environment; oral survey from individual sections. Laboratory works are evaluated for 20 and 10 points. 20/10 points - ("excellent") is awarded for a high level of knowledge of the educational material; 17/8 points - ("very good") - for knowledge of the educational material above the average level; 15/7 points - ("good") - generally correct understanding of the educational material. 14/6 points - ("satisfactory") awarded for mediocre knowledge of the educational material; 10/5 points - ("satisfactory") is given for weak knowledge of the educational material; 9/4 point – ("unsatisfactory") is given for not knowing a significant part of the educational material; 1/0 points - ("very bad") is given for not knowing a significant part of the educational material.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (PC) Laboratory (control) works - max 40 points: Laboratory No. 1 – 20 points; Laboratory No. 2 – 10 points; Laboratory No. 3 – 10 points. Testing at the National Security Service by topics - max 15 points: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of student learning in the process of current and semester monitoring: • current control over the performance of laboratory works and their protection; • testing in a virtual learning environment; • protection of an individual task; • oral survey from individual sections. by topic 1 – 2 points; by topic 2 – 2 points; by topic 3 – 3 points; by topic 4 – 2 points; by topic 5 – 2 points; by topic 6 – 2 points; for topic 7 – 2 points; Testing at the National Security Service for the course - max 30 points Oral component - max 15 points A total of 100 points per discipline
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Волосецький Б.І. Геодезія в природокористуванні. Навч. Посібник . - Львів:НУ «ЛП», 2012. –292 с. 2. Волосецький Б.І. Інженерна геодезія. Навч. Посібник . - Львів: НУ «ЛП», 2015. –208 с. 3. Інструкція з топографічного знімання в масштабах 5000, 1:2000, 1:1000 і 1:500. (ГКНТА-2.04-02-98). 1999-156 с. 4. Інструкція зі створення топографічних карт шельфу та внутрішніх водоймищ. (ГКНТА-2.04-02-97) – К.: – 150 с. 5. Керівний матеріал з інвентаризації земель населених пунктів (наземні методи) (ГКНТА- 3.01.05-93), 1993 – 35 с. 6. Soft Ground Engineer in Coastal AreasJan 1, 2003 by Takashi Tsuchida and Yoichi Watabe 7. Держгеокадастр України. Режим доступу: 8. Державна служба геології та надр України Режим доступу: http:// www. 9. Церклевич А.Л., Глотов В.М., Петров С.Л., Шило Є.О. Планування та організація виконання комплексу топографо-геодезичних робіт для створення топографічного (кадастрового) плану в масштабі 1:2000.–2016.–с.20. 10. Волосецький Б.І. Опрацювання матеріалів інвентаризації земельної ділянки: метод. вказівки / Б.І. Волосецький, Ю.П. Дейнека, О.М. Смірнова. – Львів, Вид-цтво НУ Львівська політехніка, 2008. – 20 с.
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