International Organizations

Major: International Relations
Code of subject: 6.291.01.O.011
Credits: 6.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Cand. of Polit. Sc., doc. Ulyana Ilnytska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: • know and understand the nature of international relations and regional development, evolution, the state of theoretical research of international relations and world politics, as well as the nature and sources of state policy in the international arena and the activities of other participants in international relations. • -Know the nature of international cooperation, the nature of interaction between international actors, the ratio of state and non-state actors in world politics. • -Know the nature of international cooperation, the nature of interaction between international actors, the ratio of state and non-state actors in world politics.
Required prior and related subjects: • Prerequisites: Theory of International Relations, Political Science • Corequisites: The European Union in International Relations.
Summary of the subject: International organisations in the system of international relations. Main stages of establishment and development of international organisations system. Mechanisms of international organisations functioning. Intergovernmental organisations: features of activity, organisational and functional structure, classification. Non-governmental international organisations as subjects of international relations. The United Nations Organisation in the international relations system. The North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Historical evolution and theoretical principles of the concepts of political and economic integration of Europe. Institutional and legal principles of the European Union (the EU) creation and functioning. The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (the OSCE) and its role in the international relations system. Regional integrational associations (organisations) in the Asian and Pacific region, in America and Africa. Ukraine in the system of international organisations.
Assessment methods and criteria: -Current control: (40%): recitation, speeches during practical classes, practical tasks. -Final control:(60%): exam (three-stage tasks (tests and theoretical questions))
Recommended books: 1. Aleksieieva T. I. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii: Navch. posib ./ T. I. Aleksieieva. – Kh.: Vyd-vo KhNEU, 2006. – 200 s. 2. Kyrychuk O. S. Polityka yevropeiskoi ta yevroatlantychnoi intehratsii: Navch. posib. / O. S. Kyrychuk. – Lviv: Spolom, 2009. – 402 s. 3. Kuchyk O.S. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii / [ O.S. Kuchyk, I.R. Sukhovolets, A.B. Selmakh, H. Lytvyn, Tiushka A.]. – 2-he vyd., pererobl. i dop. – K.: Znannia 2007. – 749s. 4. Makar Iu.I. Ukraina v mizhnarodnykh orhanizatsiiakh: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Iu.I.Makar, B.P.Hdychynskyi, V.Iu. Makar., S.D.Popyk, N.Iu. Rotar // [ za red. Iu.I. Makara]. – Chernivtsi: Prut, 2009. – 880s. 5. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii: Navch. posib. / [Za red. Iu. H. Kozaka, V. V. Kovalevskoho, Z. Kutaini ]. – K.: Tsentr Uchbovoi Literatury, 2007. – 440s. 6. Svitova ta Yevropeiska intehratsiia: orhanizatsiini zasady: Navch.posib. / [za zah. red. Ia.I. Malyka, M.Z. Malskoho] / Lvivskyi NU im.I.Franka, Filial Ukr. Akad. derzh. upr. pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy. – L., 2001.— 402s. 7. Tsyhankova T. M. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii: Navch. posib. / T. M. Tsyhankova, T. F. Hordieieva. – 2-e vyd., pererob. i dop. – K.: KNEU, 2001. – 340 s.