Foreign Policy of Ukraine

Major: International Relations
Code of subject: 6.291.01.O.051
Credits: 7.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Lesia Dorosh, PhD in political science, associate professor
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PH03. To know the nature of international cooperation, the nature of interaction between international actors, the ratio of state and non-state actors in world politics. PH04. To know the principles, mechanisms and processes of ensuring the foreign policy of states, the interaction between foreign and domestic policies, the definition and implementation of the national interests of states on the international arena, the process of forming and implementing foreign policy decisions. PH06. To know the nature and character of interactions of individual countries and regions at the global, regional and local levels. PH08. Collect, process and analyze large volumes of information about the state of international relations, foreign policy of Ukraine and other states, regional systems, international communications. PH11. Carry out an applied analysis of international relations, foreign policy of Ukraine and other states, international processes and the international situation in accordance with the set goals, prepare informative and analytical documents. PH16. To understand and defend the national interests of Ukraine in international activities. RNVB 1.3 To study the nature, sources and institutions of the foreign policy of states, the peculiarities of their functioning and interaction. RNVB 1.4 Research and analyze social, legal, cultural, economic factors affecting the adoption of political decisions at the domestic and international levels. RNVB 2.5 Know the basics of the state regional policy of Ukraine, the features of its implementation and regulatory mechanisms, decision-making technologies in the field of regional and cross-border cooperation. RNVB 2.6 Know the specifics of development and regulatory mechanisms of regional and cross-border cooperation of the Western Ukrainian region. RNVB 2.7 Carry out an applied analysis of the development of regional and cross-border cooperation. Kom 2. The ability to defend a patriotic statesman's position regarding the place of Ukraine in the system of international relations in communications.
Required prior and related subjects: - Pre-requisites: History of ideas, concepts and theories of international relations, Theory of international relations, History of statehood and culture of Ukraine - Co-requisites: International Relations and World Politics, EU Eastern Partnership Initiative: Opportunities for Ukraine, Diplomatic and Consular Service.
Summary of the subject: International relations and state foreign policy as the research object. Types of foreign policy. Theoretical and methodological foundations of Ukraine’s foreign policy researches. The main historical periods of its development. Foreign policy of Kievan Rus. Foreign policy of Galicia-Volyn Rus in the heyday and the Lithuanian-Polish era. Foreign policy of the Cossack state. Foreign policy of Ukraine in the early twentieth century. Foreign policy of the USSR.International recognition of the independence of Ukraine and its emergence as an actor of international relations. Conceptual foundations of Ukraine's foreign policy and its regulatory content. Participation of Ukraine in the UN activities. Participation of Ukraine in the UN peacekeeping. The main directions of the strategic partnership of Ukraine. Origins, current state and prospects of Ukrainian-Russian relations. Ukraine’s national interests in Europe. Ukraine's strategic relationship with the US and Canada. Ensuring of national security and Ukraine’s foreign policy. Ukraine-NATO relations in the context of Ukrainian and European security. Priority directions of Ukraine's participation in European and post-Soviet security organizations. Economic dimension of Ukraine’s foreign policy. Legal grounds and mechanisms of integration of Ukraine to the EU. Realization of Ukraine's foreign policy goals by participating in the WTO. Features of cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF, WB, EBRD. Economic priorities of Ukraine at the former Soviet space. Ukraine and integration processes at the former Soviet space. Activity of Ukraine in the CIS: cooperation priorities and problems of interaction. Establishment and development of foreign and economic relations with the countries of Asia-Pacific, the Middle, Middle East and Africa. Ukraine and Latin America: the establishment of cooperation relations.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (40% - oral examination, reports, discussions, writing essays, case-study research, preparation of presentations on a given topic). • Final control (60% - three-level testing).
Recommended books: • Dorosh L.O. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy: navch. posibnyk / L.O.Dorosh, O.Ia.Ivasechko, Ya. B. Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2021. – 348 s. • Mizhnarodni vidnosyny i yevroatlantychna intehratsiia Ukrainy / Pid. red. L.S.Holopatiuka. – K., 2005. • Nezalezhna Ukraina v systemi mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Lviv, 2000. • Ovsii O.I. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy vid davnikh chasiv do 1944 roku: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K., 1999. • Tereshchenko Iu.I. Ukraina i yevropeiskyi svit. Narysy istorii vid utvorennia Starokyivskoi derzhavy do kintsia XVI st. (Navchalnyi posibnyk dlia vuziv). – K., 1996. • Chekalenko L.D. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy: Pidruchnyk. – K.: Lybid, 2006. – 712 s.