Business Analysis of Information Processes

Major: System Analysis
Code of subject: 6.124.00.O.059
Credits: 4.00
Department: Information Systems and Networks
Lecturer: Doctor of Sciences., Professor Burov Yevhen Victorovitch Business analyst of IT company Softserv, Ph.D., Shvets O.I. Ph.D. Lenko V.S.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate: • knowledge of information systems and technologies in business analysis; • ability to implement the overall process of processing business requirements; • use a variety of techniques and tools to identify and implement requirements, identify enhanced relationships and patterns in them; • ability to form the composition and content of information resources for effective business analysis in various subject areas; • ability to form theoretical and practical solutions in the development of requirements at different levels; • ability to use knowledge and skills in data collection, modeling of relevant resources and systems in the analysis of stakeholders and their requests for digital product; • mastery of methods of processing and analysis of business in different domains; • ability to apply knowledge and practical skills of analysis of relevant regulations, current standards and technical conditions in the field of business analysis; • ability to apply modern knowledge and the latest technologies in the field of business analysis;
Required prior and related subjects: Methodology of system analysis
Summary of the subject: Basic concepts and definitions of business analysis. The concept and definition of business analysis. The specifics of business analysis in modern realities. Basic concepts of VASSM. Planning and monitoring in business analysis. The role and tasks of a business analyst in each stage of the software development life cycle. Positioning business analyst in SDLC. Cooperation of business analysts with different roles in the project. Specifics of business analytical approaches in Waterfall, Agile. Methods of stakeholder management. Identification of stakeholders and their classification. Analysis of stakeholders and development of approaches to interaction with them. Requirements collection techniques. Features of different types of requirements collection. Collaboration with stakeholders at different stages of demand elimination. Requirements management lifecycle. Modifications of requirements from their origin to further reuse. Analysis of the created strategy. Paradigms As Is and To Be. Analysis of intermediate phases. Requirements analysis and design definition. Techniques of analysis of collected requirements. Approaches to prioritization of requirements. Evaluation of the proposed solution. Verification and validation of the decision. Tools and practices in the work of business analyst. An overview of modern tools and practices needed to meet the needs of business analysis. Modeling and prototyping. Comparison of UML and BPMN. Non-functional requirements. The specifics of the business analyst with non-functional requirements. The range of software development skills in business analysis. Conflict management. Presentation skills. Stress management. Communication skills. Business analyst performance evaluation. Opportunities for continuous improvement in the field of business analysis. Risk assessment. Identifying and dealing with risks.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (40%): written reports on laboratory work, oral examination; • Final control (60%). in written – 50%, verbally- 10%.
Recommended books: 1. Каменнова, М. Моделирование бизнеса. Методология ARIS / Каменнова, М., Громов, А., Шматалюк, А.- М.: Весть-Метатехнология, 2001.- 327 c. 2. Osterwalder A. The Business Model Ontology-a proposition in a design science approach: Academic dissertation, Universite de Lausanne/ Osterwalder A.- Citeseer, 2004.-169 p. 3. Eriksson, H.-E. Business Modeling with UML. Business Patterns at Work / Eriksson, H.-E., Penker, M.- John Wiley & Sons, 2000.-459 p. 4. Weske, M., Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures/ Weske, M.- Springer-Verlag, 2007. 5. Graham, B.B., Detail process charting: speaking the language of process./ Graham, B.B .-John Wiley& sons, 2004.-209p. 6. Owen, M., Raj, J., BPMN and Business Process Management Introduction to the BPMN and Business Process Management: Introduction to the New Business Process Modeling Standard / Owen, M., Raj, J, 2003. 7. OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™), V1.0 .OMG Available Specification. OMG Document Number: formal/2007-09-01. Standard document. [Electronic resource].- Режим доступу:. 8. BPEL Cookbook Best Practices for SOA-based integration and composite applications development / Gaur, Harish; Zirn, M. eds.- Birmingham – Mumbai: Packt Publishing, 2006. 9. Howson, C., Business Objects XI: the complete reference /Howson.-C McGraw-Hill, 2006. 10. Davis, R. ARIS Design Platform. Advanced Process Modelling and Administration /Davis, R.-Springer-Verlag, 2008.-416p.