Cloud Technology

Major: System Analysis
Code of subject: 6.124.03.E.106
Credits: 4.00
Department: Social Communication and Information Activities
Lecturer: Associated professor Dmytro Tarasov
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge of technology and architecture of cloud services; • Knowledge of technology development and administration of software for cloud services; • Ability to choose and use cloud services for personal and business objectives; • The ability to basic administer of cloud services.
Required prior and related subjects: • Office Computer Networks
Summary of the subject: Review of cloud services. The technology of cloud services. Information security of cloud services. Software development for cloud services. Applicable Law and cloud services.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (40%); • final control (exam): written, oral form (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Burov Ye.V. Kompiuterni merezhi:pidruchnyk .-L.:Mahnoliia-plius,2006 .-262 s.-(il.) 2. Lytvynova S.H. Khmarni servisy Office 365 : navchalnyi posibnyk / S.H. Lytvynova, O.M. Spirin, L.P. Anikina. – Kyiv. : Komprynt, 2015. – 170 s. 3. Microsoft Azure Documentation | Microsoft [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Docs (last access: 1.12.16). – Title from the screen.