Methodology of Applied Researches of International Systems and Global Development

Major: International Information
Code of subject: 7.291.02.O.2
Credits: 5.00
Department: International Information
Lecturer: Taras Polovyi
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know the general theoretical concepts and categories of disciplines of international relations of public communications and regional studies; - be able to carry out a comparative analysis of political processes, trends and phenomena; - analyze facts, phenomena and processes in complex social systems; - combine achievements and methods of different disciplines to obtain results; - ability to communicate in native and foreign languages, using professional terminology; - ability to act socially responsibly, guided by ethical considerations.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Socio-economic diagnostics in the context of globalization Current issues of Ukraine's foreign policy and international relations Co-requisites: Execution of master's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: International systems as an object of study Globalization and global development as an object of study Methodology of system and post-system approaches Theoretical and applied methods of cognition of international systems and global development Applied methods of analysis of international situations and processes Expert methods for assessing international systems and global development Statistical methods of analysis of international systems and global development Prognostic methods for modeling international systems and global development
Assessment methods and criteria: Oral examination and evaluation of written works 40% Examination control 60%
Recommended books: 1. D. Yu. Arabadzhiev Applied methods of political research in the structure of public monitoring of the election process / D. Yu. Arabadzhiev // Grani. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 53-56. 2. Bezzubyak M. Content analysis in political science: issues of involvement and application / M. Bezzubyak // Anthology of creative achievements. - K.: ISEMV NAS of Ukraine, 2004. - Vol. 1. - P. 206-210. 3. Bezzubyak M.Y. Political-theoretical implications of content analysis / M.Y. Bezzubyak // Scientific works of MDSU. Political science series. – 2005. – Issue 31, vol. 44. - pp. 24-26. 4. Belarus O. G. Globalization and national strategy / O. G. Belarus. - K.: VO "Batkivshchyna", 2001. - 300 p. 5. Voronkova V. G. Philosophy of globalization: socio-anthropological, socio-economic and socio-cultural dimensions: Monograph / V. G. Voronkova. - Zaporizhzhia: ZDIA Publishing House, 2010. - 272 p. 6. Galchinskyi A. S. Global transformations: conceptual alternatives: methodological aspects / A. S. Galchinskyi. - K.: Lybid, 2006. -310 p. 7. Geld D. Global transformations. Politics, economy, culture / D. Geld, E. McGrew, D. Perraton / Trans. from English Foreword by Yu. Pavlenko. - K.: Phoenix, 2003. - 584 p.