Practicum on Politikal Communication

Major: International Information
Code of subject: 7.291.02.M.19
Credits: 5.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Cand. of Polit. Sc., doc. Ulyana Ilnytska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Future professionals in the international relations sphere are expected to gain systematic and empirically grounded views on political communications in contemporary political processes and mechanisms of practical implementation of a communicative strategy by institutions in power with the help of modern information and communication technologies; obtain systematic, comprehensive theoretical knowledge about organisational and legal foundations of implementing a communicative strategy of power structures and other international relations subjects, applying political communication technologies, specificity of information and communication support of the activity of state authorities and local self-governance; principles of implementing information and communication policy of institutions in power. Study of the discipline results in gaining practical skills in applying political communication technologies with the aim of implementation of information and communication policy (strategy) of power bodies, governmental institutions, and other subjects of the political process. Students are expected to be able to organise informational communicative and informational analytical activity of institutions in power; collect, analyse, and disseminate information on power institutions’ activity through the application of modern information and communication technologies; apply “electronic governance” technology and Internet technology; establish political communications of power institutions with mass media and the public; organise information and awareness raising and advisory activity of authoritative bodies; prepare informational and analytical materials for mass media; apply communicative technologies of speech writing and copywriting in power bodies’ activity; use advertising and image communicative technologies in the process of implementing information and communication policy of institutions in power; develop scenarios of political performances; organise information and communication activity under the conditions of crises, information contradictions and apply crisis communication PR technologies.
Required prior and related subjects: • Prerequisites: Public Relations; Communicative activity in international relations; Political Science. • Corequisites: Practice on the theme of the Master’s thesis.
Summary of the subject: Political communications in the modern globalized information society: a notion, structure, functions, models. Modern technologies of political communication. Organisational and legal foundations of communicative and informational and analytical activity of state power and local self-governance bodies, peculiarities of implementation of power structures’ communicative policy. Normative and legal regulation of communicative and informational and analytical activity of authoritative institutions. Electronic governance in state power and local self-governance bodies. Using Internet technologies for power institutions’ activity. Organisation of interaction between authoritative bodies and mass media. Media relations technologies. Information and awareness raising and advisory activity of state power and local self-governance bodies. Organisation of interaction of authoritative institutions with different public groups and civil society institutions. Technologies of “event driven communication” in authoritative institutions’ activity. Technologies of preparation and promulgation of informational and analytical materials. Technologies of speech writing and copywriting in the system of political communications. Advertising and information activity and applying technologies of political (and social) advertising by authoritative bodies. Image technologies. Crisis communication technologies. PR technologies in state power and local self-governance bodies.
Assessment methods and criteria: -Current control: (40%): recitation, speeches during practical classes, practical tasks. -Final control:(60%): exam (three-stage tasks (tests and theoretical questions))
Recommended books: 1. Bebyk V.M. Informatsiino-komunikatsiinyi menedzhment u hlobalnomu suspilstvi: psykholohiia, tekhnolohii, tekhnika pablik ryleishnz: Monohraf. / V.M. Bebyk – K.: MAUP, 2005. – 440 s. 2. Dubov D.V. Osnovy elektronnoho uriaduvannia. Navch. posibnyk. / D.V. Dubov, S.V. Dubova. – K.: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2006. – 176 s. 3. Osnovni zasady diialnosti pres-sluzhb orhaniv derzhavnoi vlady ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia: svitovyi ta ukrainskyi dosvid:Dovidn.–Donetsk: DonDUU, 2011.– 96 s. 4. Protsesy upravlinnia interaktyvnymy sotsialnymy komunikatsii v umovakh rozvytku informatsiinoho suspilstva: Monohrafiia // [A. M. Peleshchyshyn, Iu. O. Sierov, O. L. Berezko, O. P. Peleshchyshyn, O. Iu. Tymovchak-Maksymets, O. V. Markovets] – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012 – 368 s. 5. PR v orhanakh derzhavnoi vlady ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia: Monohrafiia / Za zah. red V.M.Bebyka, S.V. Kunitsyna. – K.; Symferopol: MAUP, 2003. – 240 s. 6. Kholod O.M. Komunikatsiini tekhnolohii: Pidruchnyk / O.M.Kholod — K.: «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 2013. – 212 s.