
Major: International Information
Code of subject: 7.291.02.M.13
Credits: 3.00
Department: International Information
Lecturer: PhD in Law, Associate Professor Andrii Hachkevych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - to know and understand the nature, sources and directions of evolution of international relations, international politics, foreign policy, the state of theoretical research of international relations and world politics; - to comprehend and analyze global processes and their impact on international relations; - to apply modern scientific approaches, methodologies and techniques to study the problems of international relations and foreign policy; - to identify, assess and forecast political, diplomatic, security, social and other risks in the field of international relations and global development; - to evaluate and analyze international and foreign policy problems and situations, propose approaches to solving such problems; - to carry out professional oral and written translation from / into a foreign language, in particular, on professional topics of international cooperation, foreign and world policy; - to provide advice to stakeholders on current issues of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine, especially in the information sphere.
Required prior and related subjects: pre-requisites: • European Union Law, co-requisites: • Master’s Thesis Preparation.
Summary of the subject: Concepts of self-management: a grain of sand in the sea of knowledge. What is more difficult - to manage the company or yourself? The problem of self-determination and voluntary choice. From theory to practice: criteria of effectiveness. Tools and techniques of self-management. Soft skills in the art of self-management.
Assessment methods and criteria: • formative assessment: oral questioning, written questioning, individual home assignments preparation (40%); • summative assessment: control work in written form (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Zaivert L. Vashe vremia — v Vashykh rukakh: (Sovetы rukovodyteliam, kak эffektyvno yspolzovat rabochee vremia): Per. s nem./Avt. predysl. V. M. Shepel. — M.: Эkonomyka, 1990. — 232 s. 2. Krykun O.A. Samomenedzhment: uchebnoe posobye / O.A.Krykun. – Kh.: KhNU ymeny V.N.Karazyna, 2014. – 344 s. 3. Kolpakov V. M. Samomenedzhment : Navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. — K. : DP «Vydavnychyi dim «Personal», 2008. — 528 s. 4. Lukashevych N. P. Teoryia y praktyka samomenedzhmenta: Ucheb. posobye. — 2-e yzd., yspr. — K.: MAUP, 2002. — 360 s. 5. Netepchuk V.V. Samomenedzhment: Navch. posibnyk. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2013. – 354 s.