Actual Problems of Foreign Policy of Ukraine and International Relations

Major: International Information
Code of subject: 7.291.02.O.1
Credits: 5.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Yaryna Turchyn
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: to form students' objective understanding of the current problems of international relations and the essence of Ukraine's foreign policy, its main tasks, which are to ensure the national security of Ukraine, unitarity of the state, inviolability of borders, territorial integrity, economic advancement and also human rights and freedoms; to develop students' skills in analytical understanding of Ukraine’s foreign policy and its prospects, especially from the perspective of using alternative approaches to its implementation. As a result of studying the course students should: • know the concepts and categories of the course; conceptual issues in the foreign policy of Ukraine and modern system of international relations; the main components of Ukraine’s policy in the post-Soviet space and specificity of the Russian-Ukrainian relations; bilateral cooperation of Ukraine with "G7" countries; the position and involvement of Ukraine into integration processes in CEE and SEE; development issues in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the national interests of Ukraine; priorities and objectives of Ukraine’s activities in international organizations; features of the peacekeeping activities of Ukraine; security issues in the foreign policy of Ukraine. • be able to analyze the main directions of foreign policy of Ukraine at the present stage of the development of international relations system; to use the professional terminology in analyzing spheres and directions of Ukraine's foreign policy, its place in international relations; to synthesize scientific knowledge using an interdisciplinary approach in order to build holistic, objective picture of the situation and prospects of Ukraine in the world; to establish cause-effect relationships among the determinants, means, tools and outcomes of different directions of Ukraine’s foreign policy; to evaluate and to identify Ukraine’s potential opportunities in realization of national interests in the international arena; to analyze, to classify and to systematize the literature on problems of Ukraine's foreign policy and international relations; to systematize, to classify the studied material; to cover logically and consistently the issues of the course; to justify the relevance, to set the goal and to define objectives; to make independent conclusions and proposals on the theme of the course.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequisites: Foreign policy and diplomacy of Ukraine, Country-specific studies, Theory of international relations. - Corequisites: Analysis and prognostication of foreign policy, Actual problems of trans-border cooperation.
Summary of the subject: Conceptual issues in the foreign policy of Ukraine. Policy of Ukraine in the post-Soviet space and the problems of Russian-Ukrainian relations. State and prospects of Ukraine's relations with "G7" countries. Integration processes in CEE and SEE and Ukraine's position. The integration of Ukraine into the EU as the main direction of foreign policy of Ukraine. Peacekeeping activities of Ukraine. Activities in the UN and other international/regional organizations. Development issues in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the national interests of Ukraine. Security dimension of foreign policy of Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (40%): oral questioning, reports on seminars, writing essays, analytical reports. - Final control (60%, exam): 3-level testing.
Recommended books: 1. Borysova O.V. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy: navchal'nyi posibnyk / O.V. Borysova. – Luhans'k: DZ «LNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka», 2010. – 319 s. 2. Zin'ko I. Zovnishnia polityka krain Pivnichnoi Yevropy: navch. posibnyk / Ihor Zin'ko. – L'viv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2015. – 328 s. 3. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy v umovakh hlobalizatsii. Anotovana istorychna khronika mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn (1991–2003) / Vidpov. red. S.V.Vidnians'kyi. – K.: Heneza, 2004. – 616 s. 4. Zovnishnia polityka i dyplomatiia: pohliad iz XXI stolittia : (do 20-i richnytsi nezalezhnosti Ukrainy) / [za zah. red. B.I. Humeniuka, V.H. Tsivatoho] ; Dyplomatychna akademiia Ukrainy pry Ministerstvi zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy. – Kyiv : Dyplomatychna akademiia Ukrainy pry Ministerstvi zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy, 2011. – 203 s. 5. Kopiika V. V. Yevropeis'kyi Soiuz: Dosvid rozshyrennia i Ukraina / Kopiika V. V. — K.: Yuryd. dumka, 2005. – 448 s. 6. Krainoznavstvo: navch. posibnyk / Y.B. Turchyn, L.O. Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s. 7. Mizhnarodni intehratsiini protsesy suchasnosti / V.S. Budkin, M.A. Dudchenko A.S. Filipenko [ta in.] – K.: Znannia Ukrainy, 2004. —304 s. 8. Mizhnarodni orhanizatsii. Kredytno-modul'nyi kurs.: 3-tie vyd. pererob. ta dop. Navch. posib. / Za red. Kozaka Y. H., Kovalevs'koho V. V., Lohvinovoi N. S., – K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2011. – 344 s. 9. Sardachuk P. D. Ukraina v dvostoronnikh mizhnarodnykh vidnosynakh (kinets' 20 – pochatok 21 stolit'): Navch.-dovid. posibnyk / P. D. Sardachuk, O. P. Sahaidak. – Kyiv: Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu, 2005. – 328 s. 10. Ukraina v postbipoliarnii systemi mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn : (analitychna dopovid') / V. A. Manzhola, S. V. Andrushchenko, M. H. Kapitonenko, V. Y. Konstantynov; Kyiv. nats. un-t im. T. Shevchenka, In-t mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn, Kaf. mizhnarod. vidnosyn ta zovnishn'oi polityky. – K., 2006. – 66 s. 11. Ukraina v suchasnomu heopolitychnomu prostori: teoretychnyi i prykladnyi aspekty: Kol. monohr. / [F. M. Rudych, R. V. Balaban, O. P. Derhachov ta in.; Za red. F. M. Rudycha]. – K.: MAUP, 2002. – 488 s. 12. Ukraina v suchasnomu heopolitychnomu prostori: teoretychnyi i prykladnyi aspekty: Kol. monohr. / [F. M. Rudych, R. V. Balaban, O. P. Derhachov ta in.; Za red. F. M. Rudycha]. – K.: MAUP, 2002. – 488 s. 13. Ukraina na mizhnarodnii areni: Zbirnyk dokumentiv i materialiv (1991–1995 rr.): U 2-kh kn. – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 1998. – Kn. 1. – 736 s. 14. Ukraina na mizhnarodnii areni: Zbirnyk dokumentiv i materialiv (1991–1995 rr.): U 2-kh kn. – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 1998. – Kn. 2. – 496 s. 15. Ukraina u mizhnarodnykh vidnosynakh 20 stolittia: Navch. posibn. / [Za red. prof. Malyka Y. Y.]. – L'viv: Svit, 2004. – S. 319-323. 16. Chekalenko L. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy (vid davnikh chasiv do nashykh dniv): Pidruchnyk.- K.: Kondor, 2011. – 290 s. 17. Chekalenko L.D. Zovnishnia polityka i bezpeka Ukrainy : monohrafiia / Liudmyla Chekalenko; Rada natsional'noi bezpeky i oborony Ukrainy, Natsional'nyi instytut problem mizhnarodnoi bezpeky. – Kyiv : NIPMB, 2004. – 350 s. 18. Chekalenko L. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy: Pidruchnyk.- K.: «LAT&K», 2015. – 477 s. 19. Yaremko V.I. Zovnishnia polityka Ukrainy: Kurs lektsii / V.I. Yaremko. – Khmel'nyts'kyi: KhNU, 2005. – 105 s. 20. Christopher A. Hartwell Two Roads Diverge. The Transition Experience of Poland and Ukraine. - Cambridge University. - 2016.-. р. 528 21. Daniel S. Hamilton and Stefan Meister, eds., Eastern Voices: Europe’s East Faces an Unsettled West Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2017. - 216 s 22. Foreign policy of Ukraine – 2008: Strategic Assessments, Forecasts and Priorities / Edited by G.M. Perepelytsia. – Кyiv: Stylos Publishing House, 2009. – 312 p. 23. Laub Z. The Group of Seven (G7) - Council on Foreign Relations / Z. Laub, 2014 [Electronic resource]. –Mode of access: 24. Ukrainian Prism: Foreign Policy 2017. Analytical study // Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Office in Ukraine – Kyiv, 2018. – 224 p.