Home/ Majors directory/Welding Technologies and Equipment/Project Management in Manufacture
Project Management in Manufacture
Major: Welding Technologies and Equipment
Code of subject: 7.131.05.O.009
Credits: 3.50
Department: Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding
Lecturer: Nazar Ihor
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: The study of the discipline involves the formation of competencies in students:
integral competence:
INT. The ability to solve complex problems in applied mechanics or in the learning process, which involves research and/or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements.
general competence:
GC2. Ability to use information and communication technologies.
GC3. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
GC4. Ability to develop and manage projects.
GC5. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity).
GC6. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
GC7. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
special (professional, subject) competencies:
PC1. Ability to apply appropriate methods and resources of modern engineering to find optimal solutions to a wide range of engineering problems using modern approaches, forecasting methods, information technology and taking into account existing constraints under conditions of incomplete information and conflicting requirements.
PC2. Ability to describe, classify and model a wide range of technical objects and processes based on a thorough knowledge and understanding of theories and practices of mechanical engineering, as well as knowledge of related sciences.
PC3. Ability to work independently and function effectively as a team leader.
PC4. Ability to clearly and unambiguously communicate their own conclusions, knowledge and explanations to specialists and non-specialists, including in the process of teaching.
professional competencies of specialization:
PCC 1. Ability to organize technical control and implementation of metrological support for technological processes of manufacturing products with the required quality indicators at machine-building enterprises.
PCS 2. Ability to perform modeling of engineering production technologies using modern research methods with the choice of methods and means of solving practical problems.
PCS 3. Ability to design technological processes, tooling, equipment for mechanical assembly technologies.
PCS 4. Ability to program software control systems for production and technological equipment of mechanical engineering production.
PCS 5. Ability to establish and implement technological support for the performance and reliability of products.
Learning outcomes: UN5 Independently formulate and solve problems of innovative nature, argue and defend the results obtained and decisions made.
UN6 Develop, execute and evaluate innovative projects taking into account engineering, legal, environmental, economic and social aspects.
UN7 Clearly and unambiguously present the results of research and projects, communicate their own conclusions, arguments and explanations in the state and foreign languages orally and in writing to colleagues, students and representatives of other professional groups of different levels.
UN9 Organize the work of the group in the implementation of tasks, complex projects, research, understand the work of others, give clear instructions.
UN11 Develop managerial and/or technological solutions under uncertain conditions and requirements, evaluate and compare alternatives, analyze risks, predict possible consequences.
Required prior and related subjects: Bachelor's degree courses (design of technological processes of welding production, etc.)
Practice on the topic of master's qualification work
Construction and repair of main pipelines
Execution of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: In the course of studying this discipline, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to study and master the methodology necessary for successful project management in production, as well as to acquire management skills for the effective implementation of project solutions in practice. It covers in detail the methodology and standards of project management in production, risk management, human resources management, supply chain management, reporting, financial management, time management, and quality management. The whole range of information meets the requirements of current norms and standards, as well as progressive modern international approaches to project management in industrial production.
Опис: Topic 1. Fundamentals of Project Management on Production.
Topic 2: Modern Methodologies for Managing Projects (Agile, XP, KANBAN, SCRUM, PRINCE2, Waterfall (PMBOK)).
Topic 3: Initiation of the Project
Topic 4: Project planning
Topic 5: Implementation of the Project
Topic 6: Monitoring and control of the Project
Topic 7: Clousing of the Project
Topic 8: Soft to manage engineering projects.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control:
1. Assessment of mastering the theoretical material is carried out by means of test control (test tasks from the Electronic Educational and Methodological Complex of the Virtual Learning Environment of Lviv Polytechnic National University in the discipline "Project Management in Production" (https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=905)), oral questioning.
2. Defense of reports on practical work in oral form by questioning theoretical material on the topic of work and research methods or in writing by conducting a control measure on the topic of work in the form of a test.
Semester control:
1. Exam (examination control).
2. Conducting an oral component based on the results of writing an examination control, the questions of which cover the work program of the discipline.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control - 30 points
Examination control and oral component - 70 points.
Recommended books: 1. Cole R. Brilliant Agile. A practical guide for project managers to using Agile, Scrum, Kanban / R. Cole, E. Scotcher. - Kyiv: Fabula, 2020. - 192 p. - (#PROSystem).
2. Project Management Standard and Guidelines for the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Seventh Edition) [Electronic resource] // electronic edition. - 2022. - Access mode to the resource: https://pmiukraine.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/PMBOK7_Ukr_ForPersonalUseOnly.pdf.
3. Project management based on the PMI PMBoK v.5. [Electronic resource] // electronic edition. - 2017. - Access mode to the resource: https://cutt.ly/nDTHCvn.
4. Sutherland D. Scrum. Learn to do twice as much in less time / Jeff Sutherland. - Kyiv: Book Club "Family Leisure Club", 2018. - 280 p. - (BUSINESS MUST READ).
5. Fielding P. How to manage projects / Paul J. Fielding. - Kyiv: Fabula, 2020. - 240 p. - (#PROBusiness).