Sociology and Journalism

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 6.061.00.O.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Journalism and Mass Communication
Lecturer: Ivanytska Bozena
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the theoretical and practical foundations of sociology; Methods of gathering information in sociology; Apply ways of using sociological knowledge in journalistic practice; Understand the essence of effective journalism; Be able to conduct sociological studies; Evaluate and use the results of DCC in journalistic practice; Include research results in the field of sociology of journalism; Use principles of sociological thinking in journalism.
Required prior and related subjects: Theory and methods of journalistic work; Philosophy.
Summary of the subject: Place of sociology in the system of social sciences and humanities. Specifically, the case study: concept, stages and types. The establishment and development of social science in Ukraine. The role, types and methods of sociological survey. Ways of questioning. Interview methods. The expert evaluation method. Sociometric survey. Document analysis as a method of sociological research. Interviews in sociology, its types. Requirements for the interview. Program of sociological research, its structure and function. Sociological research. Sociology of journalism and journalistic work. The effectiveness of journalism. European standards for sociological research.
Assessment methods and criteria: The current control (practical exercises, oral interviews, reference work)- (30%) Final control (test, 70%).
Recommended books: 1. Алчевська Х. Що читати народові? // Твори. — К. — 1990. 2. Американская социология. — М. — 1972. 3. Іванов В. Соціологія масової комунікації. — К. — 1999. 4. Лубкович І. Соціологія і журналістика. Підручник для журналістів і не тільки. — Л. — 2005. 5. Лубкович І. Соціологія і журналістика. Підручник. Видання друг, перероблене і доповнене. — Л. — 2009. 6. Соціологія. Короткий енциклопедичний словник. — К. — 1998. 7. Социология журналистики. — М. — 1981.