Modern Media Technology

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 6.061.01.E.086
Credits: 5.00
Department: Journalism and Mass Communication
Lecturer: Zalizniak Yuriy Bogdanovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Free to operate with knowledge of nonverbal communication and psychological specifics of personality in the process of communication. Avoid a conflict situation in the creative team. Find a personal approach to each of the employees, ie be able to adapt to the creative team. Be able to organize psychological stimulation and support of creative activity of the subject or group. Be creative in the creative process. Be able to determine their place and their official role in the editorial process.
Required prior and related subjects: TMJT; Journalistic skills; Introduction to journalism; Journalistic ethics
Summary of the subject: Creativity as the main component of journalism. Creative process in journalism. Creativity as a component of journalistic creativity. Nonverbal communication in journalism. Cognitive processes in journalism. Personality psychology. Professional communication in journalism. Journalist and editorial staff: features of interaction.
Assessment methods and criteria: Practical lesson, oral examination, control work (30%) Final control: written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Antonova OE The essence of the concept of creativity: problems and searches / OE Antonova // Theoretical and applied aspects of the development of creative education in higher education / Ed. O.A. Дубасенюк. - Zhytomyr: ZhSU Publishing House. I. Franko, 2012. - P. 14 - 41. 2. Weinzweig P. Ten commandments of creative personality / P. Weinzweig. - M .: Progress, 1990. - 187 p. 3. Variy MY Psychology of personality: Textbook. way. / MJ Vary. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2008. - 592 p. 4. Vem A. Do not be fooled! Sign language: what Paul Ekman was silent about / A. Vem. - СПб .: Питер, 2010. - 224 с. 5. Werderber R. Psychology of communication / R. Werderber, K. Werderber. - СПб .: ПРАЙМ ЕВРОЗНАК, 2003. - 320 с. 6. Grigorieva MV Psychology of labor. Lecture notes / MV Григорьева. - M .: Higher education, 2006. - 192 p. 7. Gritsenko TB Ethics of business communication: Textbook. way. / Ed. T.B. Gritsenko, T.D. Ishchenko, TF Мельничук. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 344 p. 8. Grishina NV Psychology of conflict. 2nd ed. / NV Grishin. - СПб .: Питер, 2008. - 544 с. 9. Gruzenberg S.O. Psychology of creativity / SO Gruzenberg. - Minsk, 1923. 10. Zdorovega VY Theory and methods of journalistic creativity: a textbook / VY Zdorovega. - 2nd ed., Reworked. and add. - Lviv: PAIS, 2004. - 268 p. 11. Zdorovega VY Questions of psychology of journalistic creativity / VY Zdorovega. - Lviv: Editorial and Publishing Group of Lviv University, 1982. - 63 p. 12. Ilyin EP Psychology of creativity, creativity, giftedness [Text] / EP Ilyin. - СПб .: Питер, 2009. - 448 с.