Introduction to Journalism

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 6.061.00.O.004
Credits: 5.00
Department: Journalism and Mass Communication
Lecturer: Zoriana Haladzhun
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: the concept of profession as a type of work that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities;
Завдання: - principles of freedom of the press and journalistic activity, social position and possibilities of its free realization; - the ambiguity of the concept of "freedom of speech" and the difficulties associated with its understanding and use; - understand the place of journalism in the system of social institutions and state policy in the field of media, typology, genres and types of media;
Learning outcomes: the concept of profession as a type of work that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities; - the specifics of the journalistic profession as a sphere of mass information activity and a factor of social management; - principles of freedom of the press and journalistic activity, social position and possibilities of its free realization; - the ambiguity of the concept of "freedom of speech" and the difficulties associated with its understanding and use; - understand the place of journalism in the system of social institutions and state policy in the field of media, typology, genres and types of media;
Required prior and related subjects: History of Journalism
Summary of the subject: Journalism as a functional phenomenon. Key functional principles of journalism. Mass media: characteristics, types, types. Functions of journalism. Principles of journalism. Principles of journalist activity. Journalism as a social institution. Journalism as a type of mass information and a means of mass communication. System-journalistic features of modern mass-media practice.
Опис: Journalism as a functional phenomenon. Key functional principles of journalism. Mass media: characteristics, types, types. Functions of journalism. Principles of journalism. Principles of journalist activity. Journalism as a social institution. Journalism as a type of mass information and a means of mass communication. System-journalistic features of modern mass-media practice.
Assessment methods and criteria: Practical lesson, oral examination, control work (45) Final control (control measure, exam): written and oral form (55)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Practical lesson, oral examination, control work (45) Final control (control measure, exam): written and oral form (55)
Recommended books: 1. Zhyvotko A. Istoriia ukrainskoi presy / A. Zhyvotko. – Miunkhen, 1989–1990. Zakonodavstvo // Holos Ukrainy. – 1997. – 14 lyst. 2. Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy : Pro presu Ukrainy: Informatsiia i svoboda slova. – K. : Molod, 1997. 3. Zdoroveha V.I. Vstup do zhurnalistyky / V.I. Zdoroveha. – JI, 1995. 4. Zdoroveha V.I. Presa i vlada / V.I. Zdoroveha // Ukr. periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist: tezy don. i novidoml. Vseukr. nauk.-teoret. konf. 9–10 hrud. 1993 r. – L., 1993. – S. 8–13. 5. Zdoroveha V.I. Ukrainska periodyka u suchasnomu natsionalnomu prostori /V.I. Zdoroveha // Ukr. periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist: dop. ta povidoml. Tretoi vseukr. nauk.-tsoret. konf. 22–23 hrud. 1996 r. – L., 1995. – S. 11–18. 6. Karpachova N. Pravo na informatsiiu: svoboda slova, dumky, vilnoho vyrazhennia pohliadiv : shchorichna dopovid Upovnovazhenoho z prav liudyny / N. Karpachova // Holos Ukrainy. – 2001. – 10 hrud. 7. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy. – K. : Presa Ukrainy, 1996. – 80 s. 8. Kuznetsova OD. Harantyrovat zhurnalystu osobuiu sotsyalnuiu zashchytu / O.D. Kuznetsova // Zhurnalystyka v 1995 hodu: tez. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 5 ch. – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1996. – Ch. 3. – S. 10–12. 9. Kuznetsova O.D. Do proektu Kodeksu etyky zhurnalista Ukrainy / O.D. Kuznetsova // Ukr. zhurnalistyka: istoriia i suchasnist: Visn. Lviv. un-tu. – 1997. – S. 21–25. – Ser. Zhurnalistyka. 10. Kuznetsova OD. Zhurnalistska etyka ta etyket: osnovy teorii, metodyky, doslidzhennia transformatsii nezalezhnykh vydan Ukrainy, rehuliuvannia moralnykh porushen: monohrafiia /O.D. Kuznetsova. – L.: Svit, 1998. 11. Kuznetsova OD. Osnovy masovoi komunikatsii: navch. posib. / O.D. Kuznetsova. – L.: RVV Lviv, un-tu, 1996. – 170 s. 12. Kuznetsova OD. Pravovi harantii nezalezhnosti presy / O.D. Kuznetsova // Ukrainska periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist: Chetverta vseukr. nauk.-teoret. konf., 19–20 hrud. 1997 r. – L., 1997. – S. 142–145. 13. Kuznetsova OD. Pravovi y etychni normy zhurnalistyky: teksty lektsii / O.D. Kuznetsova. – L. : RVV Lviv. un-tu, 1993. 14. Lazutyna H.V. Tekhnolohyia y metodyka zhurnalystskoho tvorchestva: metod, ukazanyia / H.V. Lazutyna. – M. : Yzd-vo MHU, 1988. 15. Moskalenko A.Z. Vstup do zhurnalistyky / A.Z. Moskalenko. – K.: Shkoliar, 1997. – 297 s. 16. Moskalenko A.Z. Dva kyty / A.Z.Moskalenko. – K., 1997. – 36 s. 17. Moskalenko A.Z. Teoriia zhurnalistyky: pidruchnyk / A.Z. Moskalenko. K.: Ekspres-obiava, 1998. – 334 s. 18. Miuller Y.P. Shcho take etyka mas-media? / Y.P. Miuller // Suchasne ta maibutnie v pliuralistychnomu suspilstvi / za red. L.Z. Moskalenka ta in. – K. : Tsentr vilnoi presy. 1999. – S. 77–82. 19. Poppelman B. Nezavysymaia zhurnalystyka y samokontrol / B. Poppelman // Pravo radyo y televydenyia v Rossyy: na puty k novoi orhanyzatsyy эlektronnoi preem. – Hamburh; SPb.: Nevskoe vremia, 1994. 20. Pravove rehuliuvannia informatsiinoi diialnosti v Ukraini: Stanom pa 1 sichnia 2001 r. – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2001. 21. Prais M. Televydenye, telekommunykatsyy y perekhodnыi peryod: prano, obshchestvo y natsyonalnaia ydentychnost / M. Prais – M., 2000.