Theory and Methods of Journalistic Work, Рart 4

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 6.061.00.O.023
Credits: 5.00
Department: Journalism and Mass Communication
Lecturer: Kuznetsova Olena Dmytrivna, professor, doctor of philological sciences in journalism, professor
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The relevance of the study of journalistic journalistic genres of the press. To know the theory of journalistic journalistic genres of the press and their genre methods, typology: types, subspecies and their features, methods of working on small journalistic genres, portrait essay, problem essay, travel essay, to know the theory of worldview journalism. To know the theory and methods of journalistic journalistic genres: author's column, essay, satirical genres: satirical note, feuilleton, pamphlet.
Завдання: The relevance of the study of journalistic journalistic genres of the press. To know the theory of journalistic journalistic genres of the press and their genre methods, typology: types, subspecies and their features, methods of working on small journalistic genres, portrait essay, problem essay, travel essay, to know the theory of worldview journalism. To know the theory and methods of journalistic journalistic genres: author's column, essay, satirical genres: satirical note, feuilleton, pamphlet.
Learning outcomes: The relevance of the study of journalistic journalistic genres of the press. To know the theory of journalistic journalistic genres of the press and their genre methods, typology: types, subspecies and their features, methods of working on small journalistic genres, portrait essay, problem essay, travel essay, to know the theory of worldview journalism. To know the theory and methods of journalistic journalistic genres: author's column, essay, satirical genres: satirical note, feuilleton, pamphlet.
Required prior and related subjects: Theory and methods of journalistic creativity Part 1 "Methods of collecting information in journalism"; Theory and methods of journalistic creativity Part 2 "Information genres and methods of the press". Theory and methods of journalistic creativity Part 3 "Analytical genres and methods of the press"
Summary of the subject: The concept of verbal journalism and its types: writing and journalism. The relevance of the study of journalistic journalistic genres of the press. Features, features of journalistic journalistic genres of the press, their genre methods, typology: types, species, subspecies and their features. The concept of journalistic essay journalism in the press. Types of essay genres and their features in the press. Small essay genres in the press, their types: sketch, sketch, miniature and others, their genre features. Journalistic sketch in the press, signs, types, features, methods of work on the sketch. Journalistic large essay genres in the press, features, types, features. Portrait essay in the press: concepts, types, features, methods of working on a portrait essay. Travel essay in the press: concepts, types, features, methods of working on a travel essay. Problem essay in the press: concepts, types, signs, methods of work on problem essay. Author's column in the newspaper, concepts, types, signs, methods of work on the author's column. Essays in modern periodicals, concepts, types, features, methods of working on essays. Worldview journalism in the press, concepts, tasks, types, genres. ournalistic satirical journalism in the press, concepts, features, tasks, genres. Satirical note in the newspaper, magazine, signs, methods of work. Journalistic feuilleton in a newspaper, magazine, concepts, features, types, methods of work on the feuilleton. Pamphlet in the press, concepts, features, varieties, methods of working on the feuilleton.
Опис: he concept of verbal journalism and its types: writing and journalism. The relevance of the study of journalistic journalistic genres of the press. Features, features of journalistic journalistic genres of the press, their genre methods, typology: types, species, subspecies and their features. The concept of journalistic essay journalism in the press. Types of essay genres and their features in the press. Small essay genres in the press, their types: sketch, sketch, miniature and others, their genre features. Journalistic sketch in the press, signs, types, features, methods of work on the sketch. Journalistic large essay genres in the press, features, types, features. Portrait essay in the press: concepts, types, features, methods of working on a portrait essay. Travel essay in the press: concepts, types, features, methods of working on a travel essay. Problem essay in the press: concepts, types, signs, methods of work on problem essay. Author's column in the newspaper, concepts, types, signs, methods of work on the author's column. Essays in modern periodicals, concepts, types, features, methods of working on essays. Worldview journalism in the press, concepts, tasks, types, genres. ournalistic satirical journalism in the press, concepts, features, tasks, genres. Satirical note in the newspaper, magazine, signs, methods of work. Journalistic feuilleton in a newspaper, magazine, concepts, features, types, methods of work on the feuilleton. Pamphlet in the press, concepts, features, varieties, methods of working on the feuilleton.
Assessment methods and criteria: Lectures, practical classes, issue by each group of the educational newspaper "Young Journalist" with journalistic journalistic genres of students Evaluation criteria: individual survey on practical, frontal survey, testing of knowledge on practical, testing on practical on each topic, tests (45 points), testing on the exam (55 points).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Lectures, practical classes, issue by each group of the educational newspaper "Young Journalist" with journalistic journalistic genres of students Evaluation criteria: individual survey on practical, frontal survey, testing of knowledge on practical, testing on practical on each topic, tests (45 points), testing on the exam (55 points).
Recommended books: Zdorovega V.Y. Theory and methods of journalistic creativity: Textbook / Vladimir Yosypovich Zdorovega. - Lviv: PAIS, 2006. Kuznetsova OD Journalistic journalistic genres of the press: Textbook / Olena Dmytrivna Kuznetsova. - Lviv: PAIS, 2021.
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