Management of Social Change

Major: Sociology
Code of subject: 8.054.00.M.018
Credits: 3.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Shkoliar Mariana, PhD
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the chosen field of research. • Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific achievements and practical experience in the field of sociology. • Apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems of synthesis and analysis of elements and systems specific to the chosen field of research. • To combine theory and practice in developing a strategy of analysis and decision-making, solving scientific and applied problems, taking into account universal values, public and state interests. • Ability to independently plan and conduct research. • Ability to adapt to new conditions, to make professional decisions independently
Required prior and related subjects: рrerequisites •Analytical and numerical methods of research of social problems •Research seminar in the field of sociology and social work сo-requisites •Research on the topic of dissertation •Publication and testing of research results
Summary of the subject: Conceptualization of "social change" сoncept. Factors and mechanisms of social change. Theoretical and methodological principles of the study of social change in modern society. Classical sociological approaches to the study of social change: social evolutionism and neoevolutionism; cyclical theories of social change; functional and conflictological paradigms in interpreting the nature of social change; theories of modernization and convergence. Social changes in the focus of modern sociological discourse. Neomodernization and globalization processes of the modern world. Activity-structural concepts of social change. Methodology of historical sociology in the study of social dynamics.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interviews, participation in discussions and interactive exercises, presentation of the study projects (40%) • final control (verification event, exam), written form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Афонін Е.А., Бандурка О.М., Мартинов А.Ю. Соціальні цикли: історико-соціологічний підхід. Х.: Вид-во «Титул», 2008. 504 с. 2. Гавриленко І.М., Мельник П.В., Недюха М.П. Соціальний розвиток: Навчальний посібник. Київ, 2001. 484 с. 3. Ґіденс Е. Соціологія. К., Основи. - 1999р. 532с. 4. Теорія соціальних змін: cучасні соціологічні концептуалізації: навчальний посібник / П. В. Кутуєв, О. В. Богданова, М. І. Клименко, Т. В. Коломієць [та ін.] ; НТУУ «КПІ». Київ : НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова. 2014. 220 с. 5. Штомпка П. Социология социальных изменений. М., 1996. 416 с. 6. Штомпка П.Соціологія. Аналіз суспільства. К., 2020. 800 с. 7. Massey G. M. Ways of Social Change. Making Sense of Modern Times. Second edition. 2015. 416p. 8. Weinstein J. Social Change. Therd edition. 2010. 458p. 9. Спеціальні та галузеві соціології: навчальний посібник / Л. Є. Клос, Л. Д. Климанська, М. В. Школяр та ін..Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2019. – 422 c.