Specific Areas of Chemistry

Major: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Code of subject: 8.105.00.M.030
Credits: 3.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: D.Sc. Zaichenko O.S.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the chosen field of research. 2. Search, analyze and critically evaluate information from various sources. 3. Apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems of synthesis and analysis of elements and systems characteristic of the chosen field of research. 4. Investigate and model phenomena and processes of varying complexity in solving problems of nanomaterials. 5. Apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines and taking into account non-technical aspects, when solving theoretical and applied problems of the chosen field of research. 6. To combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for solving scientific and applied problems, taking into account universal values, social, state and industrial interests. 7. Work effectively both individually and as a team. 8. Using the acquired research skills, the ability to independently conduct experimental research. 9. Evaluate the feasibility and feasibility of new methods and technologies in the synthesis of nanomaterials and solving problems of applied physics.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: Modern Methods of Physical Research Related and subsequent disciplines Physics of Supramolecular Structures and Devices. Physics of Condenced State and Quantum-Dimensional Systems
Summary of the subject: This course implements a new paradigm of interdisciplinary education and lies at the intersection of physics, chemistry and electronics. Much attention in the program is paid to applied research, which implements the achievements of basic science in new "smart" materials. In the course "Special sections of chemistry" modern methods of creation and research of functional materials, nanomaterials, nanosystems and nanodevices on their basis are considered. All modern experimental methods for obtaining and studying the physicochemical properties of various systems are discussed. Much attention is also paid to modern theoretical approaches to the application of specific application systems. Particular attention is paid to the use of materials to solve problems in physics, electronics, radio engineering, etc.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, individual written work. - The final test (60%): exam.
Recommended books: 1. R.A.Andryevskyi, A.V.Rahulia. Nanostrukturnye materyaly: M: Yzda-telskyi tsentr «Akademyia», 2005. — 192s. 2. Udalov Yu.P., Hermanskyi A.M., y dr. Tekhnolohyia neorhanycheskykh po-roshkovykh materyalov y pokrytyi funktsyonalnoho naznachenyia/ Uchebnoe posobye - S. Peterburh: OOO "Yanus", 2001 h. , 428 s 3. K. Uorden. Novye yntellektualnye materyaly y konstruktsyy. Svois-tva y prymenenye Moskva: Tekhnosfera, 2006. 224s.