Cross-border cooperation as a tool of European Integration: Theory and Practice

Major: International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies
Code of subject: 8.291.00.M.016
Credits: 3.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Yuliya Lemko, PhD in political science, assistant.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. ability to demonstrate knowledge of modern concepts, understanding of theoretical and practical problems, history of development and current state of scientific knowledge in the field of international relations, public communications and regional studies; 2. ability to demonstrate knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations and conceptual and categorical apparatus of international relations, public communications and regional studies; 3. Knowledge and skills of scientific research of current issues of international relations, development and implementation of new innovative projects in the field of international relations; 4. to combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for solving scientific and applied problems, taking into account universal values, public, state and professional interests; 5. assess the feasibility and feasibility of new methods and technologies in the study of international relations and world politics;
Required prior and related subjects: • Pre-requisites: Foreign policy of Central eastern Europe and Northeastern Europe. • Co-requisites: Regional and cross-border cooperation.
Summary of the subject: Theoretical bases of research of dynamics of regions of the EU. The essence of regional and local development policy in the EU. Mechanisms and instruments of EU regional development. Monitoring of EU regional development. Convergence of regional models of the EU and Ukraine. Prospects for EU regional development.
Assessment methods and criteria: a. Current control (40% - oral examination, reports, discussions, writing essays, case-study research, preparation of presentations on a given topic). b. Final control (60% - examination - three-level testing).
Recommended books: • Derzhavna rehionalna polityka: osoblyvosti ta stratehichni priorytety: monohr. / za red. Z. S. Varnaliia]. - K.: NIDS, 2007. - 768 s. • Chuzhykov V. I. Hlobalna rehionalistyka: istoriia ta suchasna metodolohiia : monohr. - K. : KNEU, 2008. - 272 s. • Kushnir M. O. Suchasni stratehichni oriientyry yevropeiskoi rehionalnoi polityky /M. O. Kushnir // Stratehichni priorytety. - 2013. №1 (26). - S. 146-149. • Oliinyk V. Teoretychni zasady ta praktyka monitorynhu rehionalnoi polityky YeS / V. Oliinyk, O. Honcharova // Mizhnarodna ekonomichna polityka. - 2014. - №2 (21). - S. 155-178. • Melnyk A. Rehionalna polityka ta pidtrymka rehionalnoho rozvytku: Porivniannia dosvidu Nimechchyny, YeS ta Ukrainy / A. Melnyk // Zhurnal yevropeiskoi ekonomiky. - 2003. - № 2. - S. 180-203. • Saveliev Ye. Peredumovy pohlyblennia i pryskorennia yevropeiskoi intehratsii Ukrainy / Ye. Saveliev //Zhurnal yevropeiskoi ekonomiky. - 2006. - № 2. - S. 111-118. • Mikula N. Yevrorehionalna spivpratsia i Ukraina //Spilnyi yevropeiskyi prostir: harmonizatsiia meharehionalnykh superechnostei: monohr. za zah. red. D. H Lukia- nenka, V. I. Chuzhykova]. - K.: KNEU, 2007. - S. 284-301. • Dubovyk B. Dosvid mizhnarodnoi spivpratsi v ramkakh yevro rehioniv. Perspektyvy Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: http://www. uspishnaukraina. analitics&ctg_id=4&item_id=31 • Ievropeiska rehionalna polityka: natkhnennia dlia krain, shcho ne vkhodiat do YeS? Zastosuvannia pryntsypiv ta obmin dosvidom /Office of the official publica¬tions of the European Union. - Luxemboutg. 2009. - 16 c. • Operation Programmesin 2007-2013 [Electronic sourse]. - Mean of access: http://,Programmes,in,2007-2013,989.html