Foundry hydraulics

Major: Computer-integrated technologies of art and jewelry casting
Code of subject: 6.136.00.O.022
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Lecturer: Аndriy M. Trostianchyn, Ass. Prof., Ph.D.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of the basic laws of hydraulics. 2. Understanding the kinetics of metal leakage from the ladle. 3. Understanding the kinetics of liquid metal in the channels of the gate system. 4. Knowledge of the kinetics of filling the cavity of the mold with liquid metal. 5. Understanding the dynamic action of a metal jet on the form. 6. Knowledge of casting hydrostatics. 7. Knowledge of methods for calculating the basic parameters of filling molten metal molds based on the basic laws of hydraulics
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: 1. Physics 2. Chemistry Co-requisites: 1. Heat engineering of foundry production 2. Theoretical foundations of foundry production 3. Foundry technology 4. Physico-chemical bases of foundry production
Summary of the subject: The discipline studies the phenomena and processes that accompany the movement of metal during the pouring of the mold. Studying the discipline, students get acquainted with the features of foundry hydraulics, which are caused by changes in the temperature of the metal (and, accordingly, its physical properties) and the mold during cooling; the transition of a homogeneous melt to a heterogeneous one due to enrichment with nonmetallic particles, gas bubbles, and solid phase crystals; factors associated with the contact of molten metal with the material of the mold; processes of chemical interaction of alloy components and their oxides with molding mixture components and gases. This discipline forms students' understanding of the influence of hydraulic, thermal, physical and physicochemical factors on the movement of metal in the mold. As a result of studying the discipline, students acquire practical skills of managing these factors in order to obtain quality castings.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Testing on the topics of lectures - 31 points. 2. Defense of laboratory works - 30 points. 3. Control work - 39 points The task of current control is a systematic test of understanding and mastering the program material, performing laboratory work, the ability to independently work on writing a report, abstract, ability to present certain material publicly, in writing or in electronic format. Based on the materials of lectures, written tests are conducted, which are evaluated from 3 to 9 points, depending on the complexity. Preparation, execution and defense of reports on laboratory work are estimated at 3-5 points per job. The task of the control work is the final check of the depth of mastering by the student of the program material of the discipline, logic and interrelations between its separate sections, ability to creative use of the acquired knowledge; ability to form their attitude to a certain professional problem, which follows from the content of the educational component, etc. Criteria for evaluating answers and completing tasks are: • completeness of disclosure of the issue; • integrity, systematicity and argumentation; • teaching logic, speech culture; • analytical considerations, ability to make comparisons, conclusions; • accuracy of writing.
Recommended books: 1. Ливарна гідравліка: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закла-дів / В.М. Дробязко, А.М. Фесенко, Р.В. Лютий, М.А. Фесенко. – Краматорськ: ДДМА, 2010. – 108 с. 2. Гідравліка: навчальний посібник / Л.В. Возняк, П.Р. Гімер, М.І. Мердух, О.В. Паневник. Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ, 2012. — 327 с. 3. Гидравлика в машиностроении: учебник: в 2 ч. /А.Г. Схиртладзе, В.И. Иванов, В.Н. Кареев и др. – Старый Оскол: ТНТ, 2008. – Ч. 1. – 392 с. 4. Інженерна гідравліка (основні закони і формули): навч. посіб. / В. І. Нездоймінов, М. М. Голоденко, Л. Г. Зайченко, В. С. Рожков ; Донбас. нац. акад. буд-ва і архіт. Макіївка : Ноулідж, Донец. від-ня, 2012. 127 с. 5. Машинобудівна гідравліка : задачі та приклади розрахунків : навчальний посібник / В.І. Мандрус, Н.П. Лещій, В.М. Звягін. Львів: Світ, 1995. 262 с. 5. Гідравліка : навчальний посібник / В.І. Соколов, О.С. Кроль, О.В. Єпіфанов ; Міні-стерство освіти і науки України, Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Воло-димира Даля. Сєвєродонецьк: Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володи-мира Даля, 2017. 159 с