Environmental safety of automobile transport

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 7.274.01.O.002
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Motor Vehicle Transport
Lecturer: Ph.D., associate professor Kachmar Roman
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: RN 1. Possession of sufficient knowledge in the field of road transport, which will allow to critically analyze the situation and identify key trends in the industry. RN 2. To know the characteristics of the factors of pollution by the auto-transport complex of the natural environment; features of formation and ways of reduction of production wastes of motor transport enterprises and their rationing. RN 3. To know the processes of rationing and quantification of the level of harmful emissions of cars and their engines, the peculiarities of changes in the toxicity of exhaust gases of engines depending on the mileage of the car. mobile, transport work performed and fuel quality. RN 4. Carrying out measurements of indicators of ecological safety of the car, definition of emissions of polluting substances in the atmosphere by motor transport streams on highways. RN 5. To determine ways to reduce harmful emissions from cars through structural and technological changes at all stages of the car life cycle. RN 6. Apply the acquired knowledge to improve the organization of safe operation of cars. RN 7. To be able to study the peculiarities of road traffic, to develop and implement measures aimed at improving traffic safety of motor vehicles. RN 8. Investigate the impact of operational factors on the performance of road transport RN 9. Develop measures to improve operational efficiency, fuel economy and improve the environmental performance of vehicles in operation. RN 10. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??(English, German, Italian, French, Spanish) RN 11. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. RN 12. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions RN 13. Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge RN 14. Ability to treat the work responsibly, make decisions independently, achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics PH 15. Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic environmental principles, occupational safety and health and to apply them. RN 16. To know the characteristics of the factors of pollution of the natural environment by the motor transport complex and indicators of ecological safety of the car, features of rationing and quantitative determination of the level of harmful emissions of cars and their engines. RN 17. To know the peculiarities of the formation and ways to reduce the industrial waste of motor transport enterprises. RN 18. To know ways to reduce harmful emissions of cars, features of change of toxicity of exhaust gases of engines depending on mileage of the car, performed transport work and quality of gasoline. RN 19. Be able to determine the degree of environmental safety of the car, to carry out with the help of measuring equipment measurements of environmental safety of the car. RN 20. To determine emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by traffic flows on suburban and urban highways, to determine possible ways to reduce harmful emissions from cars through design and technological changes. RN 21. Apply the acquired knowledge to improve the organization of safe operation of motor vehicles.
Required prior and related subjects: Car engines Operating materials Technical means of diagnosing cars Hybrid and electric car drives Car power units
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Environmental safety of road transport" aims to provide students with knowledge about a set of measures aimed at ensuring the environmental safety of the road transport complex at all stages of the car life cycle, current and future areas of improving environmental safety of cars, the main methods of assessment. During the study of this discipline the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to determine the characteristics of the factors of pollution of the motor transport environment, complex indicators of environmental safety of the car. Here the knowledge of features of rationing, definition and ways of reduction of level of harmful emissions of cars and their systems depending on operational indicators is provided. Here the features of formation and ways of reduction of industrial waste of motor transport enterprises are considered in detail, teach to define degree of ecological safety of the car, to carry out by means of the measuring equipment measurements of indicators of ecological safety of the car. The whole set of such information meets the requirements of current norms and standards, and the acquired knowledge can be used to improve the organization of safe operation of motor vehicles.
Assessment methods and criteria: Protection of reports to laboratory work in oral form by interviewing theoretical material on the topic of work and research methods; protection of reports on practical work in writing by conducting a control event on the subject of work in the form of a test; Examination control
Recommended books: 1. Форнальчик Є.Ю. Основи технічного сервісу транспортних засобів: навч. посібник / Є.Ю. Форнальчик, Р.Я. Качмар. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 295 с. 2. Коржавін Ю.А. Ресурсозберігаючі технології технічного обслуговування та ремонту автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / Ю.А. Коржавін, О.М. Коробочка – 2009. – 182 с. 3. Методи оцінки екологічних втрат. Монографія / За ред. Мельника Л.Г., Карінцевої О.І. - Суми: ВТД "Університетська книга", 2004. - 288 с. 4. Гутаревич Ю.Ф. Екологія та автомобільний транспорт: Навчальний посібник / Ю.Ф. Гутаревич, Д.В. Зеркалов, А.Г. Говорун, Л.П. Мержиєвська – К.: Арістей, 2006. – 292 с. 5. Осєтрін М.М. Екологічна оцінка перетинів міських магістралей у різних рівнях: Навчальний посібник / М.М. Осєтрін, Б.В. Солуха, Т.О. Шилова. – К.: КНУБА, 2010. – 108 с.

Environmental safety of automobile transport (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of subject: 7.274.01.O.006
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Motor Vehicle Transport
Lecturer: Ph.D., associate professor Kachmar Roman
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: RN 1. Possession of sufficient knowledge in the field of road transport, which will allow to critically analyze the situation and identify key trends in the industry. RN 2. To know the characteristics of the factors of pollution by the auto-transport complex of the natural environment; features of formation and ways of reduction of production wastes of motor transport enterprises and their rationing. RN 3. To know the processes of rationing and quantification of the level of harmful emissions of cars and their engines, the peculiarities of changes in the toxicity of exhaust gases of engines depending on the mileage of the car. mobile, transport work performed and fuel quality. RN 4. Carrying out measurements of indicators of ecological safety of the car, definition of emissions of polluting substances in the atmosphere by motor transport streams on highways. RN 5. To determine ways to reduce harmful emissions from cars through structural and technological changes at all stages of the car life cycle. RN 6. Apply the acquired knowledge to improve the organization of safe operation of cars. RN 7. To be able to study the peculiarities of road traffic, to develop and implement measures aimed at improving traffic safety of motor vehicles. RN 8. Investigate the impact of operational factors on the performance of road transport RN 9. Develop measures to improve operational efficiency, fuel economy and improve the environmental performance of vehicles in operation. RN 10. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??(English, German, Italian, French, Spanish) RN 11. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. RN 12. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions RN 13. Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge RN 14. Ability to treat the work responsibly, make decisions independently, achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics PH 15. Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic environmental principles, occupational safety and health and to apply them. RN 16. To know the characteristics of the factors of pollution of the natural environment by the motor transport complex and indicators of ecological safety of the car, features of rationing and quantitative determination of the level of harmful emissions of cars and their engines. RN 17. To know the peculiarities of the formation and ways to reduce the industrial waste of motor transport enterprises. RN 18. To know ways to reduce harmful emissions of cars, features of change of toxicity of exhaust gases of engines depending on mileage of the car, performed transport work and quality of gasoline. RN 19. Be able to determine the degree of environmental safety of the car, to carry out with the help of measuring equipment measurements of environmental safety of the car. RN 20. To determine emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by traffic flows on suburban and urban highways, to determine possible ways to reduce harmful emissions from cars through design and technological changes. RN 21. Apply the acquired knowledge to improve the organization of safe operation of motor vehicles.
Required prior and related subjects: Car engines Operating materials Technical means of diagnosing cars Hybrid and electric car drives Car power units
Summary of the subject: 1. Determination of pollutant emissions by a mobile traffic flow using a standard method of calculating pollutant emissions from mobile sources. 1.1. Determination of pollutant emissions by motor traffic on the highway with a fixed length. 1.2. Determination of pollutant emissions by motor traffic in the area of ??regulated intersections. 1.3. Determination of the total consolidated toxicity of the traffic flow on the highway with a fixed length and the specified number of intersections. 1.4. Determination of environmental damage from environmental pollution by a traffic flow with a fixed length and the specified number of intersections. 2. Determination of environmental damage from emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by traffic flows, taking into account the noise they create. 2.1. Determination of environmental losses from human toxicity of exhaust gases from car engines. 2.2. Calculation of economic losses from reducing the speed of traffic. 2.3. Determination of environmental losses from human exposure to traffic noise of cars. 2.4. Determining the level of environmental and economic damage depending on changes in the characteristics of the traffic flow. 3. Selection and justification of possible improvements to reduce the environmental burden. Conclusions.
Assessment methods and criteria: • final control (100% protection of the course project): course project, oral examination
Recommended books: Екологічна безпека транспортних потоків: Методичні вказівки до виконання курсового проекту з дисципліни "Екологічна безпека автомобільного транспорту" для студентів спеціальностей 8.274 "Автомобільний транспорт" усіх форм навчання. / Укл.: Качмар Р.Я. - Львів: Вид-во НУЛП, 2020. – 32 с.