E-Public Procurement (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 6.072.03.E.095
Credits: 3.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: Associate Prof. Synyutka Nataliya, PhD
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of writing the course project, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: Know the mechanism of functioning of state finances, including budget and tax systems, finances of business entities, household finances, financial markets, banking system and insurance. Understand the principles, methods and tools of state and market regulation of activities in the field of finance, banking and insurance. Apply specialized information systems, modern financial technologies and software products. To have methodical tools for the implementation of control functions in the field of finance, banking and insurance. To demonstrate the skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: Finance, Money and Credit Digitalization in Finance Public Finance
Summary of the subject: An effective tool for influencing the volume and direction of public expenditures and public consumption of goods is the system of public or public procurement. The rational use of public funds for strategic purposes, ensuring transparency and fighting corruption are currently the priorities of the state fiscal policy of Ukraine. Violation of the effective functioning of the public sector of the economy in the expenditure part of the budget often results in a deficit of budget funds regardless of the level of tax revenues. In the conditions of total globalization, the development of technologies has an increasing influence on all spheres of human activity. The use of digital technologies is an integral routine for most citizens and enterprises of the developed countries of the world. For such reasons, the digitization of public finances is inevitable, because the process of managing budget revenues and expenditures using modern technologies can reduce the loss of budget funds, reduce the administrative burden and increase the efficiency of the use of budget resources. Electronic public procurement as a key component of public consumption processes is an integral process of public spending in the era of digitalization.
Assessment methods and criteria: Completeness of the disclosure of the theoretical part (20 points) - Precision calculations in the calculation of (20 points) - Correct evaluation of the results (20 points) - The effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed measures for improvement (10 points) - Completeness and justification in the protection of answers (20 points) - Quality and timely execution of work (10 points)
Recommended books: 1. Швабій К., Богдан Т., Котіна А., Степура М. Вимоги щодо локалізації в публічних закупівлях як інструмент підтримки національної промисловості: Міжнародний досвід та пропозиції для України. Growford Institute. Київ. 2020. 62 с. 2. Луцик А.І., Синютка Н.Г. Використання видаткового інструменту фіскальної політики у формуванні ефективного фіскального простору України. Інноваційна економіка. 2018. № 9–10 (77). С. 171–176. 3. Романенко Є., Щокін Р. Реформування системи державних закупівель в Україні. Публічне урядування. 2016. № 4. С. 25-34. 4. Про публічні закупівлі: Закон України від 12.04. 2016 р. №1078. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/922-19. 5. Інформаційна система сайту Prozorro. URL: https:// bi.prozorro.org/ sense/app/