Intellectual Property of Business Structures

Major: Business Administration
Code of subject: 7.073.09.O.002
Credits: 4.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Nestor Shpak, Dr. of Science, Prof, Marta Naychuk-Khrushch, PhD, Associate Prof.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1) know the essence of the basic concepts and categories in the field of creation of intellectual property (IPR), acquisition of rights to these objects taking into account the peculiarities of innovation activities of economic entities, the main aspects and features of protection of intellectual property rights, management, etc. 2) be able to apply practical skills in the field of recognition, protection and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual property with the possibility of their further use in domestic enterprises of various kinds, etc. After completing the course the student should demondtrate such program results: 1) demonstrate specialized conceptual knowledge, 2) identify problems in the organization and justify methods for solving them; 3) design effective management systems for organizations; 4) have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions 5) to provide personal professional development and planning of own time; 6) responsibility for the development of professional knowledge and practices, assessment of strategic development of the team; 7) the ability to further study, which is largely autonomous and independent
Required prior and related subjects: Management Marketing
Summary of the subject: The concept of intellectual property system and its protection in modern business. Copyright and Related Rights. Industrial Property. International Classification of Industrial Property. Patent information and documentation. Industrial design protection. Trademark and Trade names for сompanies: the main issues. Economic efficiency licenses. Option contracts in the license trade. Risk factors for purchasing a license. Regional international organizations on intellectual property protection. Methods of valuation of intellectual property.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, lab works, performance of calculation and graphic work; - Final control (70%): semester control (written and oral component)
Recommended books: 1) Pravova pryroda prava na naukove vidkryttya v krayinakh anhlo-saksons?koho prava /The legal nature of the right to scientific discovery in anglish-saxon law | Cemenyuk O.A / Yurydychnyy naukovyy elektronnyy zhurnal, № 2/2020 [Elektronne vydannya] Rezhym dostupu: 2) Shpak, N., Naychuk-Khrushch, M., & Kulyk, O. (2020). Analiz ta tendentsiyi rozvytku tekhnolohichnykh innovatsiy v enerhetychniy haluzi Ukrayiny. Visnyk Natsional?noho tekhnichnoho universytetu "Kharkivs?kyy politekhnichnyy instytut" (ekonomichni nauky), (4), 125–132. 3) Naychuk-Khrushch M. B., Voloshyna A.YU. (2020). Doslidzhennya praktyky znyzhennya ryzykiv mizhnarodnoho transferu tekhnolohiy v umovakh zahostrennya konkurentnoyi borot?by // Visnyk Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika». Menedzhment ta pidpryyemnytstvo v Ukrayini: etapy stanovlennya ta problemy rozvytku, Vypusk 2, №. – 2020. – S.189-203. 4) Zalizna L.V., Pryshlyak N.YU., Shpak N.O. (2019). Vplyv transferu tekhnolohiy na innovatsiynyy rozvytok. Ekonomichnyy rozvytok derzhavy, rehioniv i pidpryyemstv: problemy ta perspektyvy: materialy III Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi internet-konferentsiyi molodykh uchenykh. -2019/ Vydavnytstvo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky – 2019, S. 130-131. 5) Navchal?no-metodychnyy posibnyk dlya praktychnykh ta seminars?kykh zanyat? iz dystsypliny «Intelektual?na vlasnist?» dlya studentiv usikh spetsial?nostey dennoyi ta zaochnoyi formy navchannya (2019). Uklad. S. V. Nadobko— Kharkiv: KHDADM, 2019. – 182 s. 6) Shpak, N., Odrekhivskyi, M., Doroshkevych, K., Sroka, W. (2019). Simulation of Innovative Systems under Industry 4.0 Conditions. Soc. Sci. 8, 202. DOI: 10.3390/socsci8070202. (Q2) 7) Naychuk-Khrushch M.B., Hnylyans?ka L.Y., Prytula O.M., Sheremeta B.O. (2017). Kompleksni rishennya u sferi efektyvnoyi komertsializatsiyi rezul?tativ intelektual?noyi diyal?nosti pidpryyemstv // Visnyk Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika». Lohistyka, № 863. – 2017. – S.134-142. 8) Shpak, N., Satalkina, L., Sroka, W., & Hittmar, S. (2017). The social direction of enterprises’ innovation activity. Polish Journal of Management Studies, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 187-201. DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2017.16.1.16. (Q2) 9) Pravo intelektual?noyi vlasnosti: Pidruchnyk. – Vyd. 2, zmin. i dop. / O. P. Svitlychnyy. – K.: NUBiP Ukrayiny, 2017. – 355 s.