Creative Management

Major: Business Administration
Code of subject: 7.073.09.M.023
Credits: 5.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Рrofessor Nelli Heorhiadi
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the content module, the student must: understand the essence of creative activity and its role in the realization of the goals of the enterprise, possess the methods of activating creativity, as well as methods for analyzing the enterprise employees' creative assets, apply algorithms for managing creative activity, models for assessing the level of creative potential and creative development, etc.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prospectives: "Intellectual Property"; "Methodology of scientific research" - Corrections: "Innovative Management".
Summary of the subject: Creative management as a science, academic discipline, type of activity. The concept of creativity and creativity. Thinking: essence, functions, forms, types. The process of thinking. The concept of personality. Theories of personality. Self-realization of personality. Heuristics as a science. Heuristic methods. The system of creative management: the essence and components. Types and functions of systems of creative management. Development of creative management system. Principles of forming a system of creative management. The creative potential of the enterprise. Characteristics and forms of expression of creative activity. Concept of subjects of creative activity. Requirements of subjects of creative activity. Techniques of lateral thinking.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control - 30%: solving situational exercises, testing, oral questioning. - final control (70%) - assignment of an individual task and oral answer.
Recommended books: 1. Василенко В.А. Креативное управление развитием социально-экономических ситем: монография / В.А. Василенко. – К.:Освіта Україи. – 2010. – 772 с. 2. Креативний менеджмент: навч. посібник) / О.Є.Кузьмін, .В.Князь, І.В.Литвин, Д.К.Зінкевич. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 124 с. 3. Креативный менеджмент: конспект лекций /И.Ф. Хайдуков, Н.К.Топузов, Н.С. Столярова, А.Е. Щелконогов. – Челябинск: Издательский центр ЮУрГУ, 2011. – 139 c. 4. Князь С.В. Креативний потенціал підприємства як чинник формування інноваційних технологічних процесів: [Монографія] / О.Є.Кузьмін, С.В.Князь, В.Й. Жежуха, Н.В. Савіцька // Львів: Видавництво «Тріада плюс», 2012. – 464 с. 5. Окорський В.П., Валюх А.М. Креативний менеджмент : навчальний посібник . –Рівне : НУВГП, 2011.– 211c. 6. Свидрук І.І. Креативний менеджмент. Навч. посіб. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2012. – 224с.