Business Career

Major: Management of Innovative Activity
Code of subject: 7.073.10.O.007
Credits: 3.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Senior lecturer of the Department of Human Resource Management and Administration, Institute of Economics and Management - Svitlana Oleksiivna Hladun
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a study’s results, student has: - to know theoretical and methodological, historical and socio-psychological basis of the employee career development in the enterprise;; - to be able analyze and value factors affecting successful employment and career formation of young professionals; - to obtain practical skills in the field of self marketing on the labor market; - to know the basic aspects of managing their own careers and staff careers; - to be able to to plan responsibly personal career, to make decisions, to achieve the goal of compliance with professional ethics and business communication;
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Defence of Bachelor’s thesis Correctionals: Qualification Examination, Defence of Master Thesis
Summary of the subject: Analysis of career development as a socio-economic phenomenon. Personality in the modern labor market. Problems of youth employment and unemployment. State and prospects of the labor market of Ukraine. Finding and getting a job as the process of career launching.Factors of successful employment in the specialty. Career: basic concepts, structure, content. Factors and values that influence career development. Career management and personnel development at the enterprise. Career management technologies. Career crises and career barriers and methods of overcoming them.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100%): seminar oral questioning, solving situational problems, participate in discussions and debates, preparation and presentation of thematic projects (80%) test (20%) - ;
Recommended books: 1. Побудова кар’єри : навч.-метод. посіб. / [О. В. Мельник, О. Л. Морін, Л. А. Гуцан, І. І. Ткачук, О. М. Пархоменко, З. В. Охріменко, Т. С. Попова, М. В. Лузан; за ред. О. В. Мельника]. — Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД, 2014.— 172 с. 2. Професійна кар’єра особистості в сучасних умовах: монографія. В.Т. Лозовецька. Київ: 2015. - 279 с. 3. Савельєва В.С., Єськов О.Л. Управління діловою кар’єрою. Навч. пос. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2007. – 176 с. 4. Управління діловою кар'єрою : навчальний посібник для студентів напряму підготовки "Управління персоналом та економіка праці" усіх форм навчання / Г. В. Назарова, І. П. Отенко, С. В. Мішина та ін. – Х. : Вид. ХНЕУ, 2013. – 295 с. 5. Мізерний В. М. Технології пошуку роботи. Навчальний посібник / В. М. Мізерний, Л. І. Северин, О. М. Тарасова - Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2012. - 264 с.