Research Seminar “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" (Discussion of Publications, Research in Branch and Innovations and Findings ect)

Major: Education, Pedagogic Sciences
Code of subject: 8.011.00.O.006
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Professor, Sc.D. (Education) Mukan N.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of postgraduate students’ competencies: Integral competence: ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities, solve complex problems in the process of innovative research and professional activities, conduct original research in the professional sphere at the international and national level. Professional competences: awareness of the content, goals and objectives of the educational process in cultural and anthropological dimensions, the ability to construct a holistic educational process based on universal and spiritual values of society, worldviews of education, continuous personal development and co-creation; the ability to use knowledge of the history of education in general and a specific field of historical and pedagogical science, its methodology (laws, patterns, principles of development), appropriate ways to understand the essence of the educational process to analyze modern pedagogical phenomena, processes, facts, personalities based on a systemic approach; the ability to build a didactic learning strategy to ensure optimal personal development, ideas about the potential opportunities for the educational process organization in modern education in the context of developmental learning and andragogy paradigm; the ability to identify and develop creative qualities of personality, apply methods of teaching creativity and conduct trainings for the development of students’ creative abilities; the ability to apply scientific knowledge about values in education, perform scientific and pedagogical research, as well as organize the pedagogical process based on the use of an axiological approach for self-development and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. As a result of studying the discipline “Research Seminar “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences”, the postgraduate student should be able to demonstrate programmatic learning outcomes that correlate with the competencies of the educational and scientific program of Doctor of philosophy training: Knowledge of: the knowledge of the main achievements of historical and pedagogical domestic and foreign science, scientific schools and fundamental works in the field of research. Skills: to develop innovative projects in the field of education, manage them and search for partners to implement them. Communication: the ability to apply modern information and communication technologies for scientific and professional communication. Responsibility and Autonomy: the ability to continuous self-development and self-improvement to form new ideas or processes in the context of professional and scientific activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Philosophy and Methodology of Science Professional pedagogy Internationalization of education: directions, tendencies, prospects Co-requisites: Pedagogical practice Strategies of scientific-pedagogical research Academic integrity and quality of education Methodology of scientific paper publishing
Summary of the subject: In the process of subject learning the following problems are considered: the theoretical problems of pedagogy and education; determinants of modern education development; pedagogical and scientific creativity; values of modern education; philosophy of education in the system of socio-humanitarian knowledge; theory and practice of forming worldview orientations of modern youth; theoretical and methodological principles of education system reforming; promising areas of comparative research in education; methodology and theory of continuing education as a conceptual basis for the formation of the intellectual potential of society; generalization of the experience of scientific research on the history of pedagogy and education in the domestic discourse; the use of ICT and open systems in the process of research work; the retrospective of foreign pedagogy as a system; research culture and ethics of a scientist; analysis of typical mistakes of scientists while working on thesis research.
Assessment methods and criteria: The current control at practical classes is carried out in order to identify the readiness of post-graruate students of of Doctor of Philosophy level in the following forms: Selective oral questioning at the beginning of the lesson; Frontal standardized questioning according to cards, tests for 5-10 minutes; Individual control of creative work; Assessment of post-graduate students’ activity during classes, their suggestions, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. Control questions are divided into: Test tasks - choose the correct answers; Problem-solving tasks - creating situations of a problematic nature; Replica questions - identify cause-and-effect relationships; Situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; Issues of a reproductive nature - determining the practical significance; Interactive quiz and game tasks. Final control is carried out based on the results of current control and individual scientific research work. All forms of academic integrity violation will not be tolerated. In the case of detection of any form of academic integrity violation, the measures will be taken in accordance with the “Regulations on academic integrity at the National University” Lviv Polytechnic "(approved by the Academic Council of the University from 20.06.2017, Minutes № 35). Credit (differentiated credit) is a form of final control, which comprises grades for post-graduate student’s learning of educational material in the discipline in total for all types of work provided by the syllabus of the discipline: Preparing for seminars and fulfillment of a task (speaking on one of the topics (short massages, reports, reviews, presentations). Each speech is assessed in 5 points. A total of 15 seminars: the maximum amount of points – 75. Preparing for seminars is carried out by the postgraduate students according to methodical recommendations. Short massages, reports, reviews, presentations are assessed by the teacher according to the following criteria: the presence of a postgraduate student in a semminar and participation in the discussion of theoretical issues – 1 point; argumentation of the prepared report during its defense – 3 points; registration of short massages, reports, reviews, presentations according to the established requirements and observance of terms of its delivery in VEE – 1 point. The fulfilment of individual scientific research work involves the preparation and presentation of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the thesis research, considering foreign and domestic experience. The report and presentation are performed in accordance with the methodic guidelines. The work is attached in the VEE and is assessed by the teacher at 25 points according to the following criteria: substantiation of theories and concepts underlying the thesis research choice – 2 points; argumentation of methodological approaches, principles, research methods choice – 5 points; logics of construction, establishment of causal relations, innovation and quality of design and presentation – 10 points; conclusions formulation – 3 points; work defense – 5 points. Seminar 1 – 5 points Seminar 2 – 5 points Seminar 3 – 5 points Seminar 4 – 5 points Seminar 5 – 5 points Seminar 6 – 5 points Seminar 7 – 5 points Seminar 8 – 5 points Seminar 9 – 5 points Seminar 10 – 5 points Seminar 11 – 5 points Seminar 12 – 5 points Seminar 13 – 5 points Seminar 14 – 5 points Seminar 15 – 5 points Individual scientific research work – 25 points Total – 100 points
Recommended books: 1. Актуальні питання реформування освіти в Україні: монографія. (2018). С. Л. Лондар (ред.). Київ, Україна: ДНУ «Інститут освітньої аналітики». 2. Базалук, О. О., Кравченко, О. П., Харченко, Л.М. (2019). Аксіологічні засади сучасної системи освіти України: навчально-методичний посібник. Переяслав-Хмельницький: ¬Видавництво «КСВ». 3. Вознюк, О. В., Дубасенюк, О. А., Костюшко, Ю. О., Осадчук, Н. П., & Сидорчук, Н. Г. (2020) Теорія і практика професійної акмеології: монографія. Житомир, Україна6 ПП «Євро-Волинь». 4. Дебич, М. А. (2019). Теоретичні засади інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти: міжнародний досвід: монографія. Ніжин, Україна: ПП Лисенко. 5. Колупаєва, А. А., & Таранченко, О. М. (2016). Інклюзивна освіта: від основ до практики: монографія. Київ, Україна: ТОВ «АТОПОЛ». 6. Корж, Г. В., & Васильченко, Р. В. (2020). Світоглядна культура: традиції та сучасність: монографія. Харків, Україна: Панов А. М. 7. Кремень, В. Г. (2018). Філософія людиноцентризму в освітньому просторі: монографія. Київ, Україна: Знання України. 8. Онищук, Л. А., Цимбалару, А. Д., Пузіков, Д. О., Гораш, К. В., Климчук, І. О., Мушка, О. В., Прохоренко, О. О., Пархоменко, Н. Є., & Мезенцева, О. І. (2019). Прогнозування розвитку загальної середньої освіти: теорія і методологія: монографія; Д. О. Пузіков (ред.). Київ, Україна: КОНВІ ПРІНТ. 9. Опольська, Н. М. (2020). Право на свободу творчості: монографія. Вінниця, Україна: ТОВ «ТВОРИ». 10. Прокопенко, А. І., Підчасов, Є. В., Москаленко, В. В., Доценко, С. О., & Лебедєва, В. В. (2019). Технології дистанційного навчання: методологія створення та супроводу навчальних курсів: навчальний посібник. Харків, Україна: Мітра. 11. Секундант, С. Г. (2019). Професійна етика викладача та науковця: методичні вказівки для здобувачів третього освітньо-наукового рівня (доктора філософії). Одеса, Україна: Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова. 12. Яворська, Т. І. (2020). Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: курс лекцій. Мелітополь, Україна: Люкс. 13. Latwal, G. S., Sharma, S. K., Mahajan, P., & Kommers, P. (2021). Role of ICT in Higher Education. Routledge. 14. Nosulich H., & Mukan N. (2020). Reflection of Global Learning and Development Trends in Official Narratives of Canadian Corporations. Advanced Education, 16, 49–57. 15. Rury, J. L., & E. H. Tamura. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of the History of education. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 16. Sim, K. N. (2019). Enhancing the Role of ICT in Doctoral Research Processes. IGI Global. 17. Suter, L. E., Smith, E., & Denman, B. D. (2019). The Sage Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education. Los Angeles, the USA: Sage.