Pedagogical Axiology

Major: Education, Pedagogic Sciences
Code of subject: 8.011.00.M.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education Тetiana Horokhivska
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students' competencies: integral competence: the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities, solve complex problems in the process of innovative research and professional activities, conduct original research in the field of education, pedagogy at the international and national levels. professional competencies: PC 7: ability to apply scientific knowledge about values in education, perform scientific and pedagogical research, as well as organize the pedagogical process based on the use of axiological approach for self-development and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality Skills: SK5: Apply specialized skills and techniques needed to solve significant problems in the field of pedagogy / education, science and / or innovation, expansion and reassessment of existing knowledge and pedagogical practice. Autonomy and responsibility: A&R14. Ability to continuous self-development and self-improvement in order to form new ideas or processes in the context of professional and scientific activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Professional pedagogy. Co-requisites: Academic integrity and quality of education, Psychology of creativity and invention, Quality of higher education (formation of internal quality assurance systems), Pedagogical creativity.
Summary of the subject: General basics of pedagogical axiology. The concept of pedagogical axiology. Axiological approach in education: purpose and objectives. Philosophical worldview as a social value. The doctrine of values in socio-philosophical thought. Education and upbringing as a value. Mental memory of changes in value priorities in the educational culture of Ukraine. Development of Ukrainian schooling and pedagogy. "Axiological meaning" of the problem of national education. Axiological ideas in the pedagogical heritage of outstanding domestic and foreign teachers. Value analysis of educational and scientific activities in higher education. Values of scientific and pedagogical activity in the professional life of a high school teacher. Scientific research as a value priority of professional growth of a teacher. Pedagogical activity as a stimulus of scientific creativity. Professional training of educational staff as a subject of pedagogical axiology. Structural subsystems of value orientations of modern teachers. Axiological approach to the development of professional and pedagogical competence of a higher school teacher. Formation of value orientations of higher school teachers as a task of pedagogical axiology. Pedagogical technologies of axiosphere development of scientific and pedagogical worker. Organization of the educational process in a higher education institution in the context of axiological principles.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of learning outcomes in the discipline is carried out on a 100-point system. The general final assessment consists of the sum of points of control of regularity and activity of work of the post-graduate student during a semester (current control - 60 points) and results of examination control of knowledge - examination (40 points). All forms of academic integrity violation will not be tolerated. In the case of detection of any form of academic integrity violation, the measures will be taken in accordance with the “Regulations on academic integrity at the National University” Lviv Polytechnic "(approved by the Academic Council of the University from 20.06.2017, Minutes № 35). Current control involves: - oral examination - 3 points. - written survey -2 points. - evaluation of activity (submitted proposals, original decisions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc.) - 1 points. - individual / creative tasks - 4 points. Examination control includes written (30 points) and oral (10 points) components.
Recommended books: 1. Винничук Р. В. Культурологічна парадигма професійного розвитку особистості: Аксіологічний аспект. Ukrainian professional education. № 2. 2017. С. 78-84. 2. Вітвицька С. С. Аксіологічний підхід до виховання особистості майбутнього вчителя. Креативна педагогіка. Наук.-метод. журнал. Вінниця, 2015. Вип. 10. С. 63-67. 3. Горохівська Т. М. Розвиток професійно-педагогічної компетентності викладачів фахових дисциплін технічних закладів вищої освіти : монографія. Дрогобич : Посвіт, 2020. 452 с. 4. Підлісний М. М. Проблеми аксіології та шляхи їх вирішення : монографія. Дніпро : Видавець Біла К. О., 2020. 164 с. 5. Karweti E. Influence managerial ability of principals and factors affecting the motivation work on the performance of special-ed teacher. Journal Educational Research. 2014. Vol. 11, № 2. P. 21–31. 6. Horokhivska T. M. The personal-motivational component in professional-pedagogical competency of lecturers from technical universities. Педагогічні науки. 2020. Вип. 90. С. 86–92. 7. Stynska V. etc. Research of the relationship between existential anxiety and the sense of personality’s existence. Revista inclusiones. 2020. Vol.7. Numero especial. P. 41–59.