Fundamentals of Sculpture, Part 2 (курсова робота)

Major: Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration
Code of subject: 6.023.00.O.8
Credits: 6.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Stasiuk O.S. Associate Professor, Ph.D. Melnyk V. A. Associate Professor, Dr. arch. Rybchynskyi O. V. Assistant , Ph.D.. arch. Shukatka M.S.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: ZN 2. Knowledge of historical and stylistic, architectural, artistic and plastic-artistic bases of restoration of works of art. UM 2. Ability to master historical techniques and technologies of processing materials of works of art. UM 5. Be able to perform project documentation for the restoration of works of art. COM 1. Ability to communicate. including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??(English, Polish, German). AiV 3. Ability to be responsible in the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Sculpture, Part 1, Figure, Part 1. Co-requisites: Figure, part 2, History of Art and Architecture, part 2, Fundamentals of Sculpture, part 3.
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Fundamentals of Sculpture, Part 2" is a mandatory component of the educational program "Fine Arts, Decorative Arts Restoration" and is intended for study in the second semester of the first year. The course is based on the study of the basics of sculpture by performing various tasks in the form of reproduction of parts of the face and sculpture of a lion. During classes, students acquire a thorough theoretical knowledge of sculpture, learn the laws of construction of sculptural composition, and technological features of sculptural materials. The study should be based on the integral connection of the elements of pictorial language, the need to feel the three-dimensional three-dimensional form and the ability to operate with it - to depict with the help of volume. The whole system of education should promote the development of figurative and abstract thinking of students, the education of creative professionals. Program tasks are fixed by systematic independent work. The study of the discipline is a method of consistent performance of practical tasks. Each subsequent task is complicated by the growing method of consistent assimilation of the laws of the education system.
Assessment methods and criteria: Task 1. Reproduction of half of the lips of the mask of David by sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti. 10 points. Task 2. Reproduction of half of the eye mask of David by sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti. 20 points. Task 3. Reproduction of half of the nose mask of David by sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti. 20 points. Task 4. Reproduction of half of the ear mask of David by sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti. 20 points. Task 5. Reproduction of half a lion's head (spillway from the Parthenon in Athens). 20 points. Course work 10 points
Recommended books: 1. Biryulyov Y., Lviv sculpture. - Lviv: Apriori, 2015. - 528 p. 2. Biryulov YO, 2008. Architecture of Lviv. Time and style. XIII - XXI centuries. Lviv: Center of Europe. 3. Gogol VD, Diba YR Sculpture. Illustrated encyclopedia. Volume 1. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020. Vol. 1: A - Ayant. 408 pp .: ill. 4. Kirichenko MA Kirichenko IM Fundamentals of visual literacy. - K., "Higher School", 2002. 5. Lyubchenko VA, 1981. Lviv sculpture of the XVI - XVII centuries. Kyiv: Scientific opinion. 6. Melnyk B. The streets of ancient Lviv. - Lviv: Svit, 2006. - 132 p. 7. Melnyk IV, 2008. Lviv streets and townhouses, walls, closets, suburbs and other features of the royal capital city of Galicia. Lviv: Center of Europe. 8. Malska MI, Zavadovsky T., and Kadnichansky D., 2018. Tourism Lviv. Bourgeois gmerki and noble coats of arms in the architecture of the city of Lviv. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature. 9. Pribega LV Methods of protection and restoration of monuments of folk architecture of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 1997. - 143 p. 10. Sodomora A. Dombrovsky M. and Kis A., 2008. Anno Domini. Year of God: Latin inscriptions of Lviv. Lviv: Pyramid, p. 80 - 81. 11. Krasnogolovets OS Fundamentals of sculpture: Textbook. way. –K .: Knowledge, 2008. –171 p., 28 p. il .. 12. Yatsunenko AA Plastics. Types of reliefs: basics of modeling / AA Yatsunenko. –Lviv: ZUKC, 2012. –80 p .: ill.