Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.00.O.083
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: teachers of the department
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: UM 11: evaluate the obtained results and defend them with arguments decisions made. KOM 1: communication skills, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages (in English, German, Italian, French, in Spanish); AiB3: the ability to take responsibility for the work performed and achieve the set goal in compliance with professional requirements ethics;
Required prior and related subjects: Disciplines of the curriculum of the first (bachelor) level of education of the educational and professional program "Thermal Power Engineering"
Summary of the subject: Protection of qualifying takes place at a meeting of the State Examination Commission, and has a public character. To disclose the content of the student is allowed a maximum of 20 minutes. After the report student answers the questions of the State Examination Commission. Questions may include topics like work and be shared. Protection of theses evaluated on a scale of ECTS and translated into the national scale. Results are announced on the same day. Student, defended the work, the decision of the state commission assigned to appropriate education level - Bachelor - and the document on higher education.
Assessment methods and criteria: =The quality of BKR protection is evaluated according to the following criteria (100 %): • complete disclosure of the topic, content, and obtained results with conclusions; • validity of the responses to the reviewer's remarks; • validity of the answers to the questions of EC members and those present at the meeting; • the quality of speech during the report and discussion, including knowledge of scientific and technical concepts and terminology. 94 points - excellent 80 points is good 60 points is satisfactory
Recommended books: 1. Teplovi ta atomni elektrostantsiyi, obyekty teploenerhetyky1. Y.S. Mysak, YA.F. Ivasyk, P.O. Hut, N.M. Lashkovska. Obyekty teplovykh elektrychnykh stantsiy. Rezhymy roboty ta ekspluatatsiyi. — Lviv: NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2007. - 256 s. 2. 2. P.I. Yanko, Y.S. Mysak. Rezhymy ekspluatatsiyi enerhetychnykh kotliv. — Lviv: Ukrayinski tekhnolohiyi, 2004, - 272 s. 3. 3. Mysak Y.S., Hnatyshyn YA.M., Ivasyk YA.F. Palyvni prystroyi dlya spalyuvannya nyzkosortnykhz palyv. — Lviv — Lvivska politekhnika, — 2002. — 136s. 4. 4. Teplova enerhetyka. Novi vyklyky chasu. Za zah. redaktsiyeyu P.Omelyanovskoho, Y.Mysaka. – Lviv: NVF «Ukrayinski tekhnolohiyi», 2009. – 660s