Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.01.O.031
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: Prof. Helesh Andrii
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Critically comprehend scientific concepts and modern theories of chemical processes and chemical engineering, apply them in research and innovation. • Assess the technical and economic characteristics of the results of research, development, technology and equipment of chemical plants. • Carry out in the scientific and technical literature, patents, databases, other sources search for the necessary information on chemical technology, processes and equipment for the production of chemicals and materials based on them, systematize and analyze and evaluate relevant information. • Plan and perform experimental and theoretical research in the field of chemical technology and engineering, formulate and test hypotheses, argue conclusions, present research results. • Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. • Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: • Promising water treatment technologies • Research on specialty topics • Modern processes in the technology of inorganic substances • Research practice • Technology of inorganic substances Ch1, Ch.2 • Practice on the topic of MCR
Summary of the subject: TOPIC 1. SCIENCE AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE MODERN WORLD The emergence and evolution of science. Theoretical and methodological principles of science. Types and features of scientific research. Organization of scientific activity in Ukraine. The main directions of scientific and technological progress in chemical technology of inorganic substances. TOPIC 2. SCIENTIFIC THINKING IN THE ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH The essence and features of scientific thinking. Style of scientific thinking. Knowledge management. Intellectual capital. Problems of formation of scientific thinking. Problem situations within scientific research TOPIC 3. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY 3.1. Choice of direction and sequence of scientific research. The concept of scientific research. Choice of direction and topic of research. Defining the subject and object of research. The purpose and objectives of the study. The order of scientific research. The concept, functions and structure of the research program. Sequence and stages of scientific research. Economic justification for choosing a scientific topic. Search, accumulation and processing of scientific information. 3.2. Theoretical and experimental research Tasks and structure of theoretical research. Modern methods of theoretical research. Application of computers in theoretical research. The essence of the experiment, the general requirements for the Classification of experiments. Stages of preparation of a scientific experiment. Classical methods of planning experimental research. Determining the main statistical characteristics of the sample. Approximation of experimental research results. Regression analysis of experimental research results. Computer technology and research tools. 3.3 Planning an experiment, analysis and optimization of its results. The essence of mathematical planning of the experiment. Complete factor plans. Methods of processing the results of the experiment on complete factor plans. Analysis of the obtained results. Optimization of multifactor experiment results. 3.4. Preparation of a report on the research work performed. Bibliographic apparatus of scientific research. Rules for compiling a bibliographic description for bibliographies and sources. Rules for citations and bibliographic references in the texts of scientific and educational works. Master's thesis as a qualification research. Requirements for master's thesis. Technology of master's thesis preparation. 3.5. Work on writing scientific articles, monographs, scientific reports and reports Types of scientific publications. Scientific monograph. Scientific Article. Abstracts of scientific reports (reports). Scientific report (message). Rules of registration of publications. TOPIC 4. SCIENTIFIC TEAMS AND SCHOOLS AS SPECIAL STRUCTURES IN SCIENCE. PERSONALITY OF THE SCIENTIST Research team and organization of its work. Principles of creation and work of the research team. Features of conflict management in the research team. Scientific school: essence and features. The role of the scientist's personality in science. TOPIC 5. PSYCHOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Psychology of scientific creativity. Organization of creative activity of the researcher. Psychological mechanisms of development of scientific potential of the person. Motivation of scientific activity. Value load of scientific knowledge. Scientific longevity. TOPIC 6. ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Ethics and praxeology of science. The problem of freedom and responsibility of the scientist. Professional ethos of a scientist in modern Ukraine. The need for social evaluation of technology. Goals of modern engineering and its consequences. Assessment of modern scientific and technological progress.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control (47%) • Examination Control (written component, oral component (53%)
Recommended books: 1. Electronic educational and methodical complex "Special course on scientific research in the specialty". / Gelesh AB https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=8879 2. Vazhinsky SE, Scherbak TI Methods and organization of scientific research: Textbook / SE Vazhinsky, TI Shcherbak. - Sumy: Publishing House of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, 2016. - 260 p. 3. Fundamentals of methodology and organization of scientific research: Textbook. way. for students, cadets, graduate students and adjuncts / ed. AE Konversky. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 352 p. 4. Solovyov SM Fundamentals of scientific research. Tutorial. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 176 p.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.02.O.044
Credits: 9.00
Department: Organic Products Technology
Lecturer: prof. Pikh Zoryan Hrygorovich
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, students should know: 1. methodology of research of complex organic reactions, analysis, generalization and presentation of results; 2. the use of mathematical methods in the study of the kinetics of chemical reactions and the construction of their mathematical models; 3. procedure for analysis of experimental results and methods for calculating kinetic and energy parameters of kinetic models; As a result of studying the discipline, students should be able to: 1. to systematically study the regularities of organic reactions by the experimental method and to coordinate the kinetic data with the mechanism of reactions; 2. use different methods of constructing kinetic models of reactions; 3. process arrays of experimental data and calculate the kinetic parameters of the reaction using software products; 4. identify the parameters of influence on the course and results of reactions. 5. conduct research at the appropriate level, have research skills.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous modules: "Research Methodology" "Research of chemical reactions and processes" "Catalysis in organic synthesis" Accumulative modules: "Research on the subject of the specialty"
Summary of the subject: Study of the influence of various factors on the course of a chemical reaction. Mutual agreement of the results of studying the kinetics, mechanism and selectivity of the reaction. Experimental installations and complexes of analytical control over the course of the reaction. Features of the course and study of the reaction in homogeneous, heterophase conditions and on heterogeneous catalysts. Research of chemical reactions as a complex of researches (kinetics, mechanism, selectivity, influence of factors, solvent, optimization, The concept of theoretical bases of processes and their technical realization. Correct interpretation of experimental data. Relation of kinetics and reaction mechanism. Possibilities of chemical kinetics in elucidation Acquaintance with the results of scientific researches on the subjects of scientific directions of the department. Generalization of research results, registration of results, scientific report, scientific article. Organization of scientific research, legislation on science and scientific research, innovation, technology transfer. Copyright, principles of scientific ethics.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester control: exam. Current control: performance of an individual research task, abstract on the research topic.
Recommended books: 1. Піх З.Г., Івасів В.В., Небесний Р.В. Окиснення ненасичених сполук. Кінетика, механізм, проблеми селективності. Монографія. Видавництво «Львівської політехніки» Львів. 2017. -236 с. 2. Піх З.Г. Теорія хімічних процесів органічного синтезу. Підручник. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”.2002. –396 с. 3. Піх З.Г., Мельник Ю.Р., Мельник С.Р. Каталіз. Теорія та практика. Підручник.-Львів:Бадікова Н.О. 2016. -286. 4 . Z. Pikh. Chemical Reaction Engineering. Mathematical description. Modeling, optimization. Textbook. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. 2016.. 316 p. 5.Опейда Й.О.Методологія фізико-хімічних досліджень..Донецьк.. ДонНУ.2012.-142с. 6.Опейда Й.О. Математичне та комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії..Вінниця. ДонНУ.2015.-388 с.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.03.O.055
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: Prof. Helesh Andrii
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Critically comprehend scientific concepts and modern theories of chemical processes and chemical engineering, apply them in research and innovation. • Assess the technical and economic characteristics of the results of research, development, technology and equipment of chemical plants. • Carry out in the scientific and technical literature, patents, databases, other sources search for the necessary information on chemical technology, processes and equipment for the production of chemicals and materials based on them, systematize and analyze and evaluate relevant information. • Plan and perform experimental and theoretical research in the field of chemical technology and engineering, formulate and test hypotheses, argue conclusions, present research results. • Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. • Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: • Promising water treatment technologies • Research on specialty topics • Modern processes in the technology of inorganic substances • Research practice • Technology of inorganic substances Ch1, Ch.2 • Practice on the topic of MCR
Summary of the subject: TOPIC 1. SCIENCE AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE MODERN WORLD The emergence and evolution of science. Theoretical and methodological principles of science. Types and features of scientific research. Organization of scientific activity in Ukraine. The main directions of scientific and technological progress in chemical technology of inorganic substances. TOPIC 2. SCIENTIFIC THINKING IN THE ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH The essence and features of scientific thinking. Style of scientific thinking. Knowledge management. Intellectual capital. Problems of formation of scientific thinking. Problem situations within scientific research TOPIC 3. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY 3.1. Choice of direction and sequence of scientific research. The concept of scientific research. Choice of direction and topic of research. Defining the subject and object of research. The purpose and objectives of the study. The order of scientific research. The concept, functions and structure of the research program. Sequence and stages of scientific research. Economic justification for choosing a scientific topic. Search, accumulation and processing of scientific information. 3.2. Theoretical and experimental research Tasks and structure of theoretical research. Modern methods of theoretical research. Application of computers in theoretical research. The essence of the experiment, the general requirements for the Classification of experiments. Stages of preparation of a scientific experiment. Classical methods of planning experimental research. Determining the main statistical characteristics of the sample. Approximation of experimental research results. Regression analysis of experimental research results. Computer technology and research tools. 3.3 Planning an experiment, analysis and optimization of its results. The essence of mathematical planning of the experiment. Complete factor plans. Methods of processing the results of the experiment on complete factor plans. Analysis of the obtained results. Optimization of multifactor experiment results. 3.4. Preparation of a report on the research work performed. Bibliographic apparatus of scientific research. Rules for compiling a bibliographic description for bibliographies and sources. Rules for citations and bibliographic references in the texts of scientific and educational works. Master's thesis as a qualification research. Requirements for master's thesis. Technology of master's thesis preparation. 3.5. Work on writing scientific articles, monographs, scientific reports and reports Types of scientific publications. Scientific monograph. Scientific Article. Abstracts of scientific reports (reports). Scientific report (message). Rules of registration of publications. TOPIC 4. SCIENTIFIC TEAMS AND SCHOOLS AS SPECIAL STRUCTURES IN SCIENCE. PERSONALITY OF THE SCIENTIST Research team and organization of its work. Principles of creation and work of the research team. Features of conflict management in the research team. Scientific school: essence and features. The role of the scientist's personality in science. TOPIC 5. PSYCHOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Psychology of scientific creativity. Organization of creative activity of the researcher. Psychological mechanisms of development of scientific potential of the person. Motivation of scientific activity. Value load of scientific knowledge. Scientific longevity. TOPIC 6. ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Ethics and praxeology of science. The problem of freedom and responsibility of the scientist. Professional ethos of a scientist in modern Ukraine. The need for social evaluation of technology. Goals of modern engineering and its consequences. Assessment of modern scientific and technological progress.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control (47%) • Examination Control (written component, oral component (53%)
Recommended books: 1. Electronic educational and methodical complex "Special course on scientific research in the specialty". / Gelesh AB https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=8879 2. Vazhinsky SE, Scherbak TI Methods and organization of scientific research: Textbook / SE Vazhinsky, TI Shcherbak. - Sumy: Publishing House of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, 2016. - 260 p. 3. Fundamentals of methodology and organization of scientific research: Textbook. way. for students, cadets, graduate students and adjuncts / ed. AE Konversky. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 352 p. 4. Solovyov SM Fundamentals of scientific research. Tutorial. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 176 p.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.04.O.065
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: assoc. prof. Borovets Zenon Ivanovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the methods of conducting complex studies of silicate materials. Know the procedure for carrying out and planning research work. Know the order of the analysis of research results. To master the principles of the work of devices and equipment for the research of silicate materials.
Required prior and related subjects: Materials science of silicates, Technology of production of binders and products based on them Ч1, Ч2, Physical chemistry of refractory non-metal and silicate materials
Summary of the subject: Standard methods of research of silicate materials and products. Optical microscopy, its application for investigations of silicate materials. Special types of optical microscopy. Study of the structure of silicate materials by electron microscopy. Electronographic analysis. Thermal analysis methods. Spectral analysis. IR spectroscopy. Emission spectral analysis. Molecular Spectroscopy. X-ray analysis.
Assessment methods and criteria: oral examination, control work (30%); final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Юинг. Инструментальные методы химического анализа. Москва, Мир, 1989, 608 с. 2. Ящишин Й.М. Хімічна технологія скла. Ч.1. Львів, в-во НУ “Львівська політехніка”. 2001. – 188с. 3 Основы научных исследований: Учебное пособие для вузов / Э.Ф.Бабуров Э.Л.Куликов, В.К.Маригодов. К,: Вища школа, 1988,- 230с. 4. Винчел А.Н., Винчел Т. Оптические свойства искусственных минералов/ М., Мир, 1967. 5. Шиммель Г. Методика электронной микроскопии/ М., Мир, 1972. 6. Методы анализа поверхностей. Под ред. А.Задерны /М., Мир, 1979, 576 с. 7. Милованов А.И., Моисеев В.В., Портнягин В.И. Современные методы анализа поверхности при изучении стекла - Физика и химия стекла, 1985, т.11, N 1, с.3-23. 8. Петровский Г.Т., Тер-Нерсесянц В.Е. Ядерно-физические методы анализа приповерхностных слоев стекол - Физика и химия стекла, 1988, т.14, N 5, с. 641-660.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.05.O.078
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing
Lecturer: Leading scientists of the department
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - to carry out experimental researches of processes of chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials; - to carry out mathematical processing of the results of the performed scientific researches; - to summarize certain patterns and to present the results of the performed research; - choosing the topic of the future master's thesis.
Required prior and related subjects: - Research methodology; - The theory of technological processes of processing of fossil fuels - Modern technologies of processing of fossil fuels; - Research on chemical technologies of fuels and carbon materials
Summary of the subject: - Basic approaches to heavy oil refining processes; - researches of processes of production of adhesive additives of petroleum bitumen; - researches of processes of production of petroleum bitumen and materials on their basis; - regeneration of petroleum oils as a way to reuse crude oil; - scientific studies of the processes of obtaining bitumen emulsions; - processes of dehydration and desalination of oil in preparation for refining; - basic approaches to coal desulfurization processes; - processes of anticorrosive protection of oil refinery equipment.
Assessment methods and criteria: - final control (exam): written-oral form (100%)
Recommended books: - Братичак М.М., Гринишин О.Б. Технологія нафти та газу. – Львів: Вид-во НУ «ЛП», 2013.– 180 с. - Братичак М.М., Пиш’єв С.В., Рудкевич М.І. Хімія та технологія переробки вугілля. – Львів: В-цтво “Бескид Біт”, 2006. – 272 с.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.06.O.091
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Humenetsky Taras
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the types and methods of scientific research; • to know the methods of special methods of studying the structure and properties of polymeric materials; • to know what specific methods are used for experimental studies of certain types of polymer materials; • to know the patterns of changes in strength and dynamic durability of polymer materials; • to be able to search, process and analyze information from various sources; • to be able to use modern methods of studying the structure and chemical and physical-mechanical properties of polymers; • to be able to research, classify and analyze indicators of the quality of chemical products, technological processes and equipment of chemical production; • be able to use modern special scientific equipment and software when conducting experimental studies and carrying out research and development in the field of chemical technologies and engineering; • to be able to plan and carry out scientific research in the field of chemical engineering.
Required prior and related subjects: • Technological processes of modification and processing of polymer and composite materials; • CAD and design of plastic products and equipment for their formation; • Modern technological processes of processing polymer and composite materials; • Special course on scientific research of the specialty.
Summary of the subject: Basic provisions on science and research. Definitions and features of science. The concept of scientific knowledge. Methods of theoretical and empirical research. Theory and methodology of scientific and technical creativity. Organization and planning of research, systematic approach as the basis of scientific research. Organization of research work. Choice of scientific research direction. Identify the topic and object of the research. Information search. Scientific and technical information. Analysis of information and the formation of research objectives. Features of the organization of production-related research. Experimental studies. Experiment classification, types, and tasks. Metrological support of the experiment. Workplace organization. Technical aspects of research. The role of standards in research. The influence of psychological factors on the quality of the experiment. Statistical processing of experimental data. Measurements and their errors. Classification. Random values. Selection of finite values. Full sample (general population). Probability distribution. Methods of estimation of measured parameters. Average sample characteristics. Variance and correlation coefficient. Normal distribution is the law of Gaussian distribution. Student distribution. Processing of experimental data. Absolute and relative error. Interval estimation using confidence probability. Confidence probability and confidence limits. The confidence intervals of the mathematical expectation of the result for a normal normalized distribution. Confidence limits for small sample (t-test). The biggest mistake possible. Assessment of the adequacy of theoretical solutions. Adequacy determination of small samples (Fisher test). Determination of adequacy of large samples (Pearson test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances with the same sample size (Cochran test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances for samples of different volumes (Bartlett test). Modeling in scientific and technical creativity. Linear regression analysis. The least squares method. Multiple linear regression. Finite difference method. Convert to a linear look. Planning a chemical experiment. The essence of experiment planning theory. Passive and active experiment. Choice of factors and definition of factor space. The principle of randomization. A full factorial experiment. Model coefficients calculation. Validation of coefficients. Model adequacy check. Small replicas. Composition plans. Description of the area close to the extremum. Second-order orthogonal compositional plans. Rotatable second-order Boxer-Hunter plans. Process optimization. Optimization of engineering processes using experiment planning. Optimization of the response function. Steep ascent method (Box-Wilson method). Other methods of active experiment planning. Simplex method. Method of evolutionary planning. Experiment planning for the study of composition-property diagrams. Design of the results of scientific research. Work on the manuscript and report. Preparation of oral communication. Preparation of illustrative material in the Power Point system.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Form of current control: written and oral control (32%); • Form of semester control: exam (68%).
Recommended books: 1. Добронравова І.С., Сидоренко Л.І. Філософія та методологія науки. Київ, 2008. 260 с. 2. Основи наукових досліджень. Організація самостійної та наукової роботи студента: Навч. посібник / Я.Я.Чорненький, Н.В. Чорненька, С.Б. Рибак та ін. –К.: ВД «Професіонал», 2006. –208 с. 3. Шейко В.М., Кушнаренко Н.М. Організація та методика науково - дослідницької діяльності: Підручник. –2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. –К.: Знання-Прес, 2002. –295 с.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.07.O.104
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Humenetsky Taras
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the types and methods of scientific research; • to know the methods of special methods of studying the structure and properties of polymeric materials; • to know what specific methods are used for experimental studies of certain types of polymer materials; • to know the patterns of changes in strength and dynamic durability of polymer materials; • to be able to search, process and analyze information from various sources; • to be able to use modern methods of studying the structure and chemical and physical-mechanical properties of polymers; • to be able to research, classify and analyze indicators of the quality of chemical products, technological processes and equipment of chemical production; • be able to use modern special scientific equipment and software when conducting experimental studies and carrying out research and development in the field of chemical technologies and engineering; • to be able to plan and carry out scientific research in the field of chemical engineering.
Required prior and related subjects: • Technological processes of modification and processing of polymer and composite materials; • CAD and design of plastic products and equipment for their formation; • Modern technological processes of processing polymer and composite materials; • Scientific research on the subject of chemical technologies for the processing of polymer and composite materials.
Summary of the subject: Basic provisions on science and research. Definitions and features of science. The concept of scientific knowledge. Methods of theoretical and empirical research. Theory and methodology of scientific and technical creativity. Organization and planning of research, systematic approach as the basis of scientific research. Organization of research work. Choice of scientific research direction. Identify the topic and object of the research. Information search. Scientific and technical information. Analysis of information and the formation of research objectives. Features of the organization of production-related research. Experimental studies. Experiment classification, types, and tasks. Metrological support of the experiment. Workplace organization. Technical aspects of research. The role of standards in research. The influence of psychological factors on the quality of the experiment. Statistical processing of experimental data. Measurements and their errors. Classification. Random values. Selection of finite values. Full sample (general population). Probability distribution. Methods of estimation of measured parameters. Average sample characteristics. Variance and correlation coefficient. Normal distribution is the law of Gaussian distribution. Student distribution. Processing of experimental data. Absolute and relative error. Interval estimation using confidence probability. Confidence probability and confidence limits. The confidence intervals of the mathematical expectation of the result for a normal normalized distribution. Confidence limits for small sample (t-test). The biggest mistake possible. Assessment of the adequacy of theoretical solutions. Adequacy determination of small samples (Fisher test). Determination of adequacy of large samples (Pearson test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances with the same sample size (Cochran test). Assessment of the adequacy of multiple variances for samples of different volumes (Bartlett test). Modeling in scientific and technical creativity. Linear regression analysis. The least squares method. Multiple linear regression. Finite difference method. Convert to a linear look. Planning a chemical experiment. The essence of experiment planning theory. Passive and active experiment. Choice of factors and definition of factor space. The principle of randomization. A full factorial experiment. Model coefficients calculation. Validation of coefficients. Model adequacy check. Small replicas. Composition plans. Description of the area close to the extremum. Second-order orthogonal compositional plans. Rotatable second-order Boxer-Hunter plans. Process optimization. Optimization of engineering processes using experiment planning. Optimization of the response function. Steep ascent method (Box-Wilson method). Other methods of active experiment planning. Simplex method. Method of evolutionary planning. Experiment planning for the study of composition-property diagrams. Design of the results of scientific research. Work on the manuscript and report. Preparation of oral communication. Preparation of illustrative material in the Power Point system.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Form of current control: written and oral control (32%); • Form of semester control: exam (68%).
Recommended books: 1. Добронравова І.С., Сидоренко Л.І. Філософія та методологія науки. Київ, 2008. 260 с. 2. Основи наукових досліджень. Організація самостійної та наукової роботи студента: Навч. посібник / Я.Я.Чорненький, Н.В. Чорненька, С.Б. Рибак та ін. –К.: ВД «Професіонал», 2006. –208 с. 3. Шейко В.М., Кушнаренко Н.М. Організація та методика науково - дослідницької діяльності: Підручник. –2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. –К.: Знання-Прес, 2002. –295 с.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.08.O.118
Credits: 9.00
Department: Organic Chemistry
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.10.O.144
Credits: 9.00
Department: Chemical Engineering
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна