Analytical and Physical Chemistry

Major: Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 6.151.00.O.019
Credits: 4.00
Department: Physical, Analytical and General Chemistry
Lecturer: assoc. prof. Laruk M.М., assoc. prof. Gerasymchuk S.І.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to apply the basic physical and chemical laws for solving of concrete technological problems. • to know the basic principles of analytical chemistry as a science of qualitative and quantitative composition of substances. • be able to reproduce the analysis techniques according to the description. • evaluate the metrological characteristics of the analysis results. • • be able to use the laboratory equipment and instruments for the amount determination of substances efficiently.
Required prior and related subjects: • Mathematical analysis • Physics • Chemistry
Summary of the subject: Subject, tasks, basic concepts (principles) and classification of analytical chemistry methods. Qualitative and quantitative analisys. General characteristics of quantitative methods of analysis. Titrimetric methods. Acid-base, redox complexometric titration. Physical-chemical and physical methods of analysis. Optical methods of analysis. Molecular absorbance analysis. Chromatographic methods of analysis. Electrochemical methods of analysis. Thermodynamic aspects of theoretical foundations of chemical transformation processes. Chemical equilibrium. The kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of the equilibrium state. The kinetic aspect of theoretical foundations of the substances transformation processes. Homogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneous catalysis.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports of laboratory work, oral examination, tests (20 %) • final control (evaluation) (80 %) – differentiated test (pass-fail exam, grading test).
Recommended books: Analitychna khimiya ta Instrumental?ni metody ANALIZU. D.I. Semenyshyn, M.M. Laruk: Vydavnytstvo L?vivs?koyi Politekhniky, 2015.- 148 s. 2. Bilyy O.V. Fizychna khimiya. - Kyyiv: TSUH, 2002. - 364 s. 3. Metodichni vkazivki ta zavdannya dlya samostiynoyi roboty z kursu "fizychnym khimiya" / Ukl. Herasymchuk S.I., Pavlovs?kyy YU.P., Sobechko I.B. -L?viv: Vydavnytstvo LP, 2013, - 68 s.