Robotic Complexes for Industrial Productions

Major: Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 6.151.04.E.090
Credits: 3.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Vasylkivskyi Ihor Stepanovych, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know: - types of industrial robots and robotic technological complexes, their purpose and composition; - purpose, types, principle of operation of the elements that make up industrial work: drives, sensors, sensor devices, control devices; - tools and algorithms for industrial robot control, software organization, mathematical bases of industrial robot modeling. be able: - to design industrial works and robotic technological complexes according to a certain technical task; - determine the type of industrial control system, the purpose of its individual elements and subsystems; - to analyze control algorithms and software of industrial robots.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - Basics of robotics; - Automation of periodic processes; - Microcontrollers and actuators of robotic systems; - Data transmission systems and networks; - Technological equipment and mechanisms. Co-requisites: - Automation of objects of periodic action; - Robotic industrial complexes; - Technologies of programming of robotic systems
Summary of the subject: General concepts of industrial works (PR) and robotic technological complexes (RTC). The structure of PR and RTK. Classification of PR and RTK, their composition. Use of PR in production and industry. PR as a part of RTK. Varieties of RTK. Robot control systems (SU). Classification of SU robots. Types of work management systems. Unified PR management systems. Small-point cycle systems of cycle control like UCM. Numerical position control systems such as UPM. Numerical contour control systems. Unified range of computer-type control devices. RTK control systems. Information system of robots and RTK. External information subsystem. Internal information subsystem. Information support of PR work. Block diagrams of the information system. General concepts about the drives of industrial robots. Gripping devices, elements of automation and auxiliary elements of RTK. Capture devices. Sensors. Classification of PR sensors. Internal sensors: potentiometers, tachometers, optical sensors, microswitches. Position and speed sensors. Intermediate devices. Devices for performing the main functions of the SU. Auxiliary elements of RTK. Object recognition devices. Design of robots and RTK. Initial data for PR design, their composition, the essence of indicators. Sequence of design, manufacture and commissioning. Selection and justification of the layout of the PR. Selection and justification of the type of drives. Calculation of kinematic circuits. Calculation of kinematic circuits, purpose, requirements for kinematic circuits, the essence of kinematic calculation, its sequence. Calculation of characteristics of robot drive motors. Development of robot design. Sequence of PR design development, principles, requirements, design features. Accuracy and strength of robots and their calculation. Calculation of robot design for rigidity. Calculation of contact stiffness of robots. Dynamic characteristics of the robot and their calculation. Selection and justification of PR management systems. Selection and justification of the PR information system. Testing and acceptance of PR. Layout and design of RTK. Efficiency of RTK. Testing and acceptance of PR and RTK.
Assessment methods and criteria: - written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (40%) - final control (control measure - test): control and calculation work (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Introduction to mechatronics / O.M. Yakhno, A.V. Uzunov, A.F. Luhovskyi, et al. – K.: NTUU "KPI", 2008. 2. Tsvirkun L. I. Robotics and mechatronics: teaching. manual for students higher education closing - D.: NSU, 2010. 3. Kostyuk V.I., Spinu G.O., Yampolskyi L.S., Tkach M.M. Robotics.-K.: Higher school.., 1994. 4. Pavlenko I.I., Mazhara V.A. Robotic technological complexes: Training manual. – Kirovohrad: KNTU, 2010. 5. Basics of automation and robotics: Study guide / A. M. Gurzhii, A. T. Nelga, V. M. Spivak, O. S. Ityakin: – Dnipro: "Guarantor of SV", 2021. 6. Mazepa S. S. Program management of robots in RTK: training. study guide higher education - L.: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2003.