Typography and Editing

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.009
Credits: 6.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Prof. Nazarkevych Mariia Andriivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Have legal aspects of using and editing fonts; know the units of the typometric system; • Know the graphic characteristics of the font and its structure; know the aesthetic requirements for the font; • Correctly use font formats (RostScript, True Type, OpenType), know their features and scope; • Take into account the features and trends of typography of printed and electronic publications; • Take into account the psychological and ergonomic requirements for screen printing. • Use the knowledge gained to develop a technical specification for the publication; • Learn to edit scientific, technical and fiction; • Master the methods and techniques of editing; • Study and recognize editing rules; • Highlight and correct errors of various kinds when editing; • Acquire skills to build the composition of the publication; • Master the skills of layout in free software in the Latex system
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Fundamentals of electronic document management • Basics of graphic design Сo-requisites: • Fundamentals of publishing and printing • Interface design • Layout and design
Summary of the subject: As a result of studying the discipline "Typography and Editing", students will master the skills of using modern software and font services, will know the basic rules of typography and the properties of computer fonts. Students will master the basics of composition, graphics, font graphics and develop their own font based on the prototype. The discipline studies modern means of text editing. Editing is seen as bringing the text in line with the rules. All basic methods of error control and correction are classified and described. Students study informational, social, compositional, logical, linguistic, psycholinguistic publishing and printing editing norms. As a result of studying the course, you can make a formalized edit.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, settlement and graphic work (40%) final control (exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Куленко М.Я. Основи графічного дизайну: Підручник. – К.: Кондор, 2006. – 492 с. 2. Мітченко В. С. Естетика українського рукописного шрифту / В. С. Мітченко. К.: Грамота, 2007. –208 с. 3. Лесняк В. Акцидентний шрифт / В. Лесняк. Харків: Колорит, 2004. –140 с. 4. Гурська А.С. Мова та граматика українського орнаменту: Навчально-методичний посібник. – К.: Альтернатива, 2003. – 144 с.; іл. 5. Гордон Ю. Книги про буквы от А до Я. – М. Издательство Студия Артемия Лебедева, 2006. – 384с. 6. Партико 3. В. Загальне редагування: нормативні основи : навч. посібник. — 2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. — Львів : ВФ “Афіша”, 2011. — 640 с. 7. Капелюшний А. О. Редагування в засобах масової інформації: Навчальний посібник. – 2-ге вид., випр. і доп. – Львiв: ПАIС, 2009. – 432 с. 8. Караман С. О. Українська мова за професійним спрямуванням : навч. посіб. [для студ. вищ. навч. закладів] / С. О. Караман, О. А. Копусь, В. І. Тихоша. – Київ : Літера ЛТД, 2013. – 544 с. 9. Ярема С.М. Технічне редагування.- К., 2003. 10. Феличи Д. Типографика: шрифт, верстка, дизайн / Д. Феличи ; пер с англ. – СПб. : БХВ–Петербург, 2004. – 496 с.