Layout and Design

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.058
Credits: 3.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: PhD, Associate professor Nataliia Lotoshynska
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the theoretical foundations of layout and design publications; • know the basic technology of original models of electronic publications for later printing features of their structure and design stages; • know the basic principles of operation and structure of modern desktop computer programs; • be able to design and build prototypes of future electronic media, prepare them for printing polygraph means. • perform the correct text and DTP pages using various DTP software packages; • use the information to analyze the task, the self-selection and development of new software products.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Basics of Graphic Design • Typography and editing • Theory of color and color formation
Summary of the subject: The theoretical basis layout and design of publications. Planning layout. Organization of styles and templates. Development of page structure. Basic rules for layout of text of varying complexity. Basic principles of design. Basic principles of design. Design solutions when working with text and images. Rules of text strip layout. Making complex publications. Working with illustrations. Execution of trapping. Technological features of layout and design of book and magazine editions . Technological features of newspaper layout. Composition and structure of newspaper strips. Features of design of newspaper editions. Technological features of accidental layout. Making trigger layout publications using computer programs.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, settlement and graphic work (40%) final control (exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: • Технологія набору та верстки: навч. посіб. / Д. В. Василишин, О. М. Василишин; за ред. О. В. Мельникова; рец.: О. М. Величко, М. С. Антоник – Вид. 2-е.– Львів : Укр. акад. друкарства, 2011. – 272 с. • Волкова Л.А., Решетникова Е.Р. Технология обработки текстовой информации. Часть I. Основы технологии издательских и наборных процессов. Учебное пособие - Москва: МГУП, 2002. – 306 с. • Н.Комолова. Компютерная верстка и дизайн: Практическое пособие. – Санкт-Петербург: И-во БХВ-Петербург, 2003. – 500 с.

Layout and Design (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.059
Credits: 3.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Ph.D. Associate Professor Natalia Lotoshynska
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the role and place of pre-press processing of information in the editorial and vinnicomb process; • usualmente, to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of foreign, received during the period of the study subjects on the i-II courses; • to implement specific tasks for the creation of printed products; • to gain knowledge, skills, drafting, layout and prototyping of printed products; • to gain experience in computing and producing printed materials; • to gain experience in the design of text and graphic material
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Technical Changes Сo-requisites: • Basics of Publishing and Typography • Technology development of electronic media
Summary of the subject: Course work is independent, creative work, during which the student must show the ability to use scientific and technical literature, own software for processing graphics, computer layout and technology for the production of printed products. Course work is project development, which solves a pressing issue in direction "Publishing and printing". The themes for course works and meets the current state and prospects of development of the printing production. Subject coursework must be associated with the preparation of layouts for newspaper and magazine, advertising, promotional, informational, educational, artistic, scientific, popular scientific, reference books, using modern computer programs for processing raster and vector images and DTP programs.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control is conducted in the form of protection course work • Final control (control event, test): written-oral form (100%).
Recommended books: 1. Технологія набору та верстки: навч. посіб. / Д. В. Василишин, О. М. Василишин; за ред. О. В. Мельникова; рец.: О. М. Величко, М. С. Антоник – Вид. 2-е. – Львів : Укр. акад. друкарства, 2011. – 272 с. 2. Волкова Л.А. Технология обработки текстовой информации. Часть I. Основы технологии издательских и наборных процессов. Учебное пособие / Волкова Л.А., Решетникова Е.Р. – Москва: МГУП, 2002. – 306 с. 3. Н.Комолова. Компютерная верстка и дизайн: Практическое пособие / Н.Комолова – Санкт-Петербург: И-во БХВ-Петербург, 2003. – 500 с.