Methodology and Models of Business Analysis in IT

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.01.E.057
Credits: 6.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: A specialist from Lviv IT Cluster
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Know the main stages and components of the business analysis process. 2. Know the stages of the product life cycle (Product Lifecycle) and their features. 3. Be able to apply the design thinking methodology for designing solutions. 4. Be able to analyse the needs and context of the business, design business processes. 5. Know the methods of collecting qualitative and quantitative data, plan research depending on the stage of solution implementation. 6. Be able to consolidate research results. 7. Be able to generate hypotheses about the problem and solution, create a plan for hypothesis validation. 8. Know the components of a business strategy and the basics of creating a viable business model. 9. Participate in a workshop to achieve collective goals, facilitate group activities. 10. Know the process and techniques of requirements elicitation. 11. Be able to identify, decompose, and prioritise requirements. 12. Be able to organise the software development process, manage the scope of work and plan the product roadmap. 13. Be able to create an abstract model of the system using UML diagrams. 14. Be able to design the information architecture of the system. 15. Apply prototyping methods in the early stages of solution implementation. 16. Know the basics of product metrics management. 17. Be able to present an idea to the team and stakeholders. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following programme learning outcomes: PR 2. Find, evaluate and use information from various sources necessary to solve theoretical and practical problems of publishing and printing. PR 3. Rationally use raw materials, energy and other types of resources. PR 4. Organise their activities to work autonomously and in a team. PR 5. Apply effective forms of professional and interpersonal communication in the team to perform tasks in professional activities. PR 9. To process text, graphic and multimedia information using modern information technologies and specialised software.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous studies and related subjects • Algorithms and data structures • Design project management Related and further subjects • Design methodologies and frameworks • Business process management
Summary of the subject: Introduction. The purpose of studying and structure of the course "Methods and models of business analysis in the IT industry". Literature for independent work on the course. Topic 1. Introduction to business analysis. Features of business analysis in the IT industry. Business analysis as part of the software development life cycle (SDLC). The process of business analysis. The value of business analysis for the project and the team. The role and key functions of a business analyst. Topic 2. Product Lifecycle. Stages of product development and their features. Lean approach. Design thinking method. Launching a product development project. Problem analysis and methods of generating ideas. Opportunity Hypothesis. Topic 3. Analysis of needs and context. Analysis of the current state. Problem statement. Business rules and business processes. Designing business processes. BPMN diagrams. Identification of constraints and risks. Stakeholder management. Stakeholder analysis techniques. Topic 4. Collecting qualitative and quantitative data. Market and subject area analysis. Research of competitive solutions. User Research. In-depth interviews. Empathy map and Experience map. Consolidation of research results. The concept of Jobs-to-be-Done. Use Cases. Topic 5. Business strategy. Defining business goals and product vision. Creating a business case. Defining a unique value proposition (Unique Value Proposition). Creating a viable business model (Business Model Canvas). The concept of unit economy. Topic 6. Working with hypotheses. Types of hypotheses. HADI cycle. Validation of ideas using hypotheses (Hypothesis-Driven Validation). Methodologies for validating ideas and hypotheses. Minimum Viable Product. Proof of Concept and Proof of Value. Topic 7. Workshop as a method of group interaction. Advantages of workshops for achieving collective goals. Types of workshops and their purpose. Design sprint. Types of group activities during workshops. Rules for facilitating workshops. Topic 7. Workshop as a method of group interaction. Advantages of workshops for achieving collective goals. Types of workshops and their purpose. Design sprint. Types of group activities during workshops. Rules for facilitating workshops. Topic 8. Requirements management. Classification of requirements: business, user, functional and non-functional. Process and techniques for identifying requirements. Decomposition of requirements. Approaches to the formation of documentation. Development of user scenarios. User Story. Determining the scope of work. Techniques for prioritising requirements. Designing a minimum viable product (MVP). User Story Mapping. Approval of the scope of work. Planning a product roadmap. Topic 9. Fundamentals of Systems Design. System quality attributes. Creating an abstract model of the system. Interaction between users and the system. Data structure and modelling. Technological and resource constraints. Unified Modeling Language (UML). Types of UML diagrams and their purpose. Topic 10. Prototyping in the early stages of development. System organisation and hierarchy. Information architecture. User Flow. Fireframes. Validation of prototypes. Usability testing. Topic 11. Business analysis at the stage of product implementation. Techniques and tools for managing the scope of work. Collaboration models within the team. Control over compliance with requirements. Acceptance Criteria. Topic 12. Product metrics. Principles of product positioning. Planning a product launch. Presentation and promotion of the product. The concept of Product-Market fit. Service design. Service Blueprint map.
Assessment methods and criteria: The maximum score in points is 100; Current control (laboratory work) – 24; Current control (calculation and graphic work) – 16. Examination control (written component) – 55. Examination control (oral component) – 5.
Recommended books: 1. Кнапп Дж., Зерацкі Дж., Ковіц Б. Спринт. Вирішуйте складні завдання і тестуйте нові ідеї за п'ять днів. Yakaboo Publishing, 2019. 272 с. 2. Петтон Дж., Ікономі П. Мапа історій користувача. Відкрий правдиву історію, створи саме той продукт. ArtHuss, 2022. 336 с. 3. Cohn M. User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development. Pearson Education, Limited. 4. Fowler M. UML 2.0. Pearson, 2004. 210 p. 5. Gottesdiener E., Batchelder Gorman M. Discover to Deliver: Agile Product Planning and Analysis. EBG Consulting, Inc., 2012. 284 p. 6. IIBA. A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge. International Institute of Business Analysis, 2015. 512 p. 7. Institute P. M. Business analysis for practitioners: A practice guide. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania : Project Management Institute, Inc., 2015. 8. Institute P. M. PMI Guide to Business Analysis. Project Management Institute, 2017. 9. Leffingwell D. Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise. Pearson Education, Limited. 10. Leffingwell D., Widrig D. Managing Software Requirements: A Use Case Approach. Pearson Education, Limited, 2003. 544 p. 11. Osterwalder A., Bland D. J. Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2020. 12. Osterwalder A. Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2010. 278 p. 13. Osterwalder A. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want. Wiley India Private Limited, 2015. 14. Turner P., Cadle J., Paul D. Business Analysis Techniques: 99 Essential Tools for Success. BCS Learning & Development Limited, 2014. 356 p. 15. Wiegers K. E., Beatty J. Software Requirements. Microsoft Press, 2013.