Digital Signal Processing

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.062
Credits: 5.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Dr.Sc. Professor, Yuriy Rashkevych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of this course, the student should be able to: • know and understand the fundamental principles and techniques of digital signal processing; • compute circular convolution and the discrete Fourier transform of discrete-time signals; • estimate the spectra of random signals and to appreciate the performance of a variety of modern and classical spectrum estimation techniques; • know mathematical models, structures and methods of design of FIR and IIR digital filters; • present the results of studies of the structure of a given signal and in the discussion with other students to justify their conclusions; • Use the Matlab language and Signal processing toolboxes for designing, implementing and simulating digital signal processing operations.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Mathematical Analysis, • Basics of discrete mathematics, • Higher Algebra, • Differential equations.
Summary of the subject: Digital convolutions. Z – transform and discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform algorithms. Spectral analysis, window functions. Digital filters: mathematical models, structure and applications. Gibbs phenomenon and Sigma approximation. FIR Filters design.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%) final control (control measure), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. А.Й.Наконечний, Р.А.Наконечний, В.А.Павлиш. Цифрова обробка сигналів: навчальний посібник. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 368 с. 2. Б.А.Мандзій, Р.І.Желяк. Основи теорії сигналів. - Львів: ВД “Ініціатива”, 2008. – 240 с. 3. S.Mitra, J.Kaiser. Handbook for digital signal processing. N.Y.: Willey interscience publication. – 1993. – 1268 pp.