Discrete Mathematics

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.018
Credits: 4.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Kovalchuk A.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - To learn the basics of logical thinking and the theory of formal systems; - Know the principles of solving problems using computer; - To be able to represent the complex task the in basic computational models; - Be able to analyze the problem by means of a formal logical thinking, and to identify incompatibilities, redundancy and completeness.
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequisites: General mathematics courses for schools
Summary of the subject: Set theory. Quantifiers. Lattices. Basic concepts of combinatorial calculus. Discrete functions. Coding sequences. Isomorphism. Discrete Algebra. Compatible rule systems. The theory of inference. The logical interpretation. Theory of predicates. Syllogisms. Maximum compatible and incompatible minimal subset. The concept of a dispute, completeness, redundancy, duality. Normal forms. Poorly defined discrete function. Modal logic. Relations and properties. Binary and negabinary encoding. Graph theory. Logic and graphs. Grammar and graphs. Using graphs. Group. Forming elements. Permutations. Numerical ring. Nonrepeated codes. Walsh functions. Automata theory. Cellular automata.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (75%): working programs for executed tasks as a laboratory work; design work done by individual task; the positive results of current computer-based testing; - Final control (25%): credit.
Recommended books: - Ralph P.Grimaldi. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics. Boston/San Francisco/New York. – Addison Wesley, 2004. - Kapitonova UV, Kryvyi SL, Letychevskyy OA Basics of discrete mathematics. Textbook. - K .: Naukova Dumka, 2002.- 580 p. - Training materials Lviv Polytechnic (Manuals).