Theory of Colour and Colour Formation

Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.063
Credits: 4.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Ph.D. Associate Professor Natalia Lotoshynska
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the basic theoretical information about color - the nature of color sensation of color vision properties, the principles of synthesis of color, colorimetry basics; • know the purpose of color management architecture, structure, color profiles; • know the basic of the theory of reproduction of colored originals in printing • be able to hold color and tone processing, color separation color images using software packages raster and vector graphics; • perform calibration devices; • be able to carry out densitometric and spectrophotometric color measurement.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Basics of Publishing and Typography • Basics of Graphic Design • Polygraphic Layout and design Сo-requisites: • Development and design of advertising publications
Summary of the subject: Color and objects studied color theory. Nature of color feeling. Basic theory of color vision. Chromatic and achromatic colors. Metamerism color. Psychology of color. Lighting sources, types and basic properties. Synthesis of color. Additive synthesis color. Synthesis subtractive color. Fundamentals of the colorimetric system. Models mathematical description of color RGB, CMYK, HSB (HSL, HSI, HSV), CIE Lab. Spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods of measuring color. Instruments for measuring color. Color management system CMS (Color Management Systems), basic concepts. System architecture color management. Creating color profiles. Technology prepress processes and synthesis of color images to print. Separations Technology. Features making separations and printing plates for printing bahatofarbovoho. Proofing and test prints. Printing reproduction of color images. Evaluation of color reproduction accuracy. Influence of technological factors on the printing process and tono- koloroutvorennya. Transferring color in digital photography. Color design printed
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control is carried out in the form of protection of laboratory work during training sessions and of evaluation of calculation work (40%). • Final control (control measure, exam): written- verbal form (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Лотошинська Н.Д. Теорія кольору та кольороутворення: навч.посіб. / Лотошинська Н.Д., Івахів О.В. – Львів: В-во Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 204 с. 2. Сава В. І. Художньо-технічне оформлення книги / Сава В. І. – Львів: Оріяна – Нова, 2003. – 168 с. 3. Управление цветом. Искусство допечатной подготовки: Пер.с анг./Брюс Фрэзер, Крис Мэрфи, Фред Бантинг. – К.: ООО «ТИД «ДС», 2003. – 464 с.