
Major: Publishing and Printing
Code of subject: 6.186.00.O.071
Credits: 5.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: PhD, Associate professor Yuliia Miyushkovych
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Know the conceptual provisions of the World Wide Web. • Know the basic Internet resources used in the technology Web. • Know the main stages and strategy planning and implementation of the Web site. • Know the elements of the Web Hypertext Markup and Cascading Style Sheets CSS. • Have basic skills placement of graphics, animation and other elements on the Web. • Be able to apply knowledge of graphics, animation and other elements of Web projects. • To be able to create resources for the Internet and realize design intent means markup languages, CSS and scripts for placing on the Internet. • To be able to organize, configure and develop Web-system, using the principles of distributed systems, hypertext systems, appropriate hardware and software.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Fundamentals of electronic document. • Basics of Graphic Design. • Basics of typography Сo-requisites: • Web-programming. • Technology of electronic publications
Summary of the subject: The history of the Internet and WWW. Standards Web: W3C and WaSP. Interaction HTTP, HTML, URL on the Web. Browsers. Ways to connect. Hypertext. Address system URL. Top-level domains. Planning Web-site. The main components of the site. The basic structure of the Web-site. The markup language HTML. Requirements Semantic HTML. Components of the HTML-document. The structure of the HTML-document. Announcements and modes DOCTYPE. Sections of the HTML-document: HEAD, TITLE, META, BASE, LINK, STYLE, SCRIPT. Structuring text means HTML. The logical and physical text formatting. Base container: elements DIV and SPAN. Lists in HTML. Graphics and Media content in HTML. The navigation controls, internal and external link tags. Forms in HTML. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The syntax of CSS. Setting font properties in CSS. Color and background image in CSS. Model layout CSS. Registration tables, lists, and links the means of CSS. Positioning in CSS. Assembly site. The color scheme and layout design. Font design. The color scheme for the site. Testing Web-site. Fundamentals vestky websites. Tabular layout. Positioning using layers.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (40%) final control (control measure), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: • Фрэйн, Б. HTML5 и CSS3. Разработка сайтов для любых браузеров и устройств / Б. Фрэйн ; [перевод с английского В. Черник]. - Санкт-Петербург [и др.] : Питер, 2014. - 298 с. • Лоусон Б., Шарп Р. Изучаем HTML5. Библиотека специалиста. 2-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 304 с. • HTML и CSS для создания Web-страниц: Э. Кастро – Москва, НТ Пресс, 2006.- 126 с.